The online racing simulator
logitek's setup shop
(47 posts, started )
no i want to help....i have spammed the forum past belief at times, and i just want to give back, i have been told my sets are good, and i feel like this is the only way my 14 year old self can give back...sorry if i offended you
Yea you have spammed quite abit.
you joined the same month as me and have about 6 times as much posts as me.
i got excited....i was hoping it was somebody with a want or need for a set :rolleyes:

and yes, i know i spammed, thats why i said i spammed
Heya~ Logitekg25

I totally understand your kindness of trying to give back to the LFS community. Don't give up because somebody says you are on another purpose. Support~~~

BTW, don't forget to add your good reversing set...........
Quote from Neoman15M :Heya~ Logitekg25

I totally understand your kindness of trying to give back to the LFS community. Don't give up because somebody says you are on another purpose. Support~~~

BTW, don't forget to add your good reversing set...........

thanks...and its in there...i have updated some of my sets, like the fz5 one, and a few more i think
You can be very good making setups, but to test it you need to be good driving ^^
I always believed that a good driver would make a setup that takes advantage of their driving style, but, I get guess this shop will have its own little crevice somewhere for the community.
i really hope that i can help out people.....i am slow, but my sets have helped me get better, my sets might be able to help people who cant make good sets. if my sets dont work, i am glad to help them get a custom set that fits their style, not very easy but racing never is
thanks buddy for the setup im using them currently most of the time
it need some improvements but im pretty sure everyone has his own taste

thanks again and keep that tail swinging
i have a bunch of updated/new setups and a managable rac drift and grip set
ok log, its great your trying to give back to the community, but there is a reason we have (setupgrid) (inferno) its all the same. You may be good at helping people "find" thier setup, but the truth is, why would i want to try your sets out (+1 sec behind), when i can download a set that is way closer to fast times, or at least by someone who knows the car/track and how the setup should go by sheer time in just knowing how the set should be! If i want to personalize my set, i will do it myself, and do it will a starting set that is (no offense) faster! If i need more brake bias cause the car wont turn in, ill do it. Your doing greatl, just dont forget there is alot to learn! been racing for 20 years and still couldnt say i know $hit about this sport! changes every day (including setups)
cause sure me and you know how to make the changes that need to be done, but other people who are new to this sport or even just the game may not know.

im 14 years old, and when i joined the game, i had no idea how to tune a car properly...i thought a drift setup had extremely soft springs instead of stiff....when my setup had a major problem, or even just a slight tweak that needed to be done, i would have to spend a long time trying to figure out what i could do.

so i am mainly trying to help people who do not quite know how to make their own sets perfect for them.
Ok, just a lil' question, whats the difference
between endurance and sprint setups?I'm curious to know
endurance setups are meant to last many laps, up to id say 100 without the tires needing to be changed, or the suspension getting damaged under the stresses or racing for many laps at a time.

not sure if driving and gearing is a factor in lfs, but in real life the gearing, and driving style is also a factor.

sprint is just a few laps that your tires do not need to last long, and fuel is rarely a issue.
Thx for the Drift set up really appreciate it its a really good set up
KY3 for the FO8 please? It has to be faster than 2.01?
thats the car i use the least, so idk if this set is complete me if you want me to go to a server with you and make a custom one for you.
Attached files
FO8_grip.set - 132 B - 991 views
Can you make me a sandwhich for the FXO please?
Quote from logitekg25 :i want to give back to the community and i cant do anything really good, except make reliable setups. (people tell me i am good at making them) i am uploading every setup that i have made, and up until around the fz5, i have .txt files for every setup, explaining them a little bit, but then i gave up, you can just ask me about specific sets if you cant figure it out.

as it says in every .txt file **my sets work for me, and may not work for you, if you caould save them in a way that you remember it is from me that would be great**

if you want to meet with me and have me make a set that is perfect for you, just PM me on, my username is 'logitekg25'.

you can pass the sets along to anyone you want, but please tell them it is from me, so they can refer to me if they want.

please do not edit (if you do, just tweak it slightly) and if you need a better set just pm me.

and it is all true i am happy to make any set you want, just ask me here, and if you want to meet on a server i will make it perfect for you. for some cars, i only have one or two sets, they are probably not good sets at try a few before you judge.

here you go, and please enjoy, ... for all your setup needs

They are deleted! D:
my motherboard got fried in a recent windstorm which took down a power line's neutral wire making power surge to parts of my house....what you looking for and how close do you have to that goal?
Quote from logitekg25 :my motherboard got fried in a recent windstorm which took down a power line's neutral wire making power surge to parts of my house....what you looking for and how close do you have to that goal?


Of the setups, I wanted the drift ones for the XRT!
ok, let me try to remember what works in this game...

get a race default setup, make sure it is the stiffest one there. (make sure it is default, so i know you are dealing with a somewhat well thought out setup)

go into suspension, take the rear spring stiffness, and increase it a little, and do the same to the front. this is to minimize the weight flopping around during weight transfer/bumps etc. make sure they are not rock solid, this will make for an uncontrollable setup. drop the car, make sure it has some motion, and doesnt bounce.

adjust the dampening so it comes to rest just as it appears like it should (cant explain this well)
take the rebound dampening, and make it a little higher than the dampening (if you did the dampening right, it should be sensible) drop the car, make sure it looks good.

take the front sway bar, make it somewhat low; take the rear, make it a little higher.

i noticed the higher the sway bar, the more likely it is to slip; instead of the weight transfering for the tires to pick up grip, the weight forces the end to slip.
rebound dampening does the same; as the inside wheel wants to lift up, it is being restricted forcing to weight to want to push it.

lower the car so when you drop it, it nearly bottoms out, but not too low or you will run into problems....lowers the center of gravity.

now go into wherever the camber adjustment is...this should be negative 2ish for the front, and -1.5ish for the rear....i think....(cant remember right now)

go into drivetrain, differential, i forget...but make sure you have a clutch lsd, and make sure it locks something like 65-75% (sound right? cant remember again..), and make sure it has enough force to make that happen.

try that, and see where it brings you. report back with results, i will see if i can help you tweak it.

im not saying this is the right way to build a drift setup, or if my reasons are correct, but i forget why i used to do everything i did; or even how i did some things. these reasons and adjustments seem to make sense.

logitek's setup shop
(47 posts, started )