I can 100% see your point of view, I also can easily see LFS being very competitive with a couple of things. Tyre physics - which is in the works, track detail which is likely to be better with a laser scanned track (but all the tracks need to be a bit less smooth and lastly a few extra details such as dynamic racing line would make a world of difference for me.
The other sim that I now am racing more regularly though already has the tracks soughted, has tyre physics with less problems and are in the process of bringing out improvements to the tyre physics also. In addition it already has some form of rubberised racing line, although very simple. And there are a very many people calling for better dynamic track conditions which are more likely to be implemented in that sim sooner. The main kill factor for me of that sim isn't so much cost but it's very American focussed content, this is however changing with time and I can see a future where it will be a well rounded sim. Importantly it has set up servers in Australia and is adding Australian content, so I suspect that a year or two down the road it will have a higher population of Australian sim drivers than LFS which is what will most likely be key to which sim I spend most time in.