#1 - EMS
what are cruise servers
what are cruise servers???
(Heiko1) DELETED by Heiko1
The goal is to earn money by cruising. There are usually cops. On some you can buy things.
Quote from Heiko1 :Thats are the servers which ruins LFS

I remember u ******* ****. U crashed me on one of this Server.
Also ur Crap Bro.... btw. u both are slow (dont want again a infraction)
Wou´re not worth. to collect again a point.
Watchout what u say...
because without this Server, would lfs long ago, away from window...

SO RESPECT to LTC,TC,WSC,CLC and much more...

ehm on most u must start with uf1, @ the new wsc beta u can choose uf1,xfg or xrg for start.... but who cares
btw. u must earn the money, or @LTC also licencepoints... for bigger cars.... and thats the point!
Quote from EMS :what are cruise servers???

/me waves

Pretty much what the name says... cruise.

I've not been to all the servers, but in most of them you'll have to start with the UF1/XFG/XRG (UF1/XFG most likely).

You drive around the tracks to gain virtual cash, with which you can buy other cars.

Some server are based on the cops and robbers format, whist others have Cops (Police, Cadets, Officers or whatever you call them) who will chase you and fine you (if they catch you) for breaking the law.

In some servers there are stuff like jobs/banks/shops.
Jobs -> You have to drive around to certain points pickup/drop 'jobs' to gain extra cash.
Banks -> In some servers you can 'rob' them, in some you can deposite/withdraw etc.
Shops -> You'll have to buy 'food' to regain your 'health' from all the driving

For some its a break from hours of white knuckle close racing action.

Its not all about driving at the speed limit. Its not all about hair raising police chases. But its all part of the "cruise" package.

Different servers have adopted their own set of rules and fuctions and what not...

If you have tried a certain cruise server, you'll know they have their own online hotlap chart. Fighting their way into the top 10 in any car/track is quite a feat when you have to make your way past traffic and dodging barriers and keeping your speedup. Some say it aint the best thing to have in a 'cruise' server, but hey, its a perk.

Quote from Scawen :
To me, cruise is simply a special mode that allows people to make their own game using our simulator. In no way have I written anything that influences cruise servers - the programmers of cruise type systems do it all themselves using the InSim interface.

Quote from JasonJ :Not all cruise servers reward you for driving slow. Always hearing that old horse getting beaten as if ALL cruise servers want you to drive at the speed limit. We just got the speed limit to give a REASON to initiate a fun chase. It's a suggest limit so if you break it you got no reason to complain if you crash out and lose big money. Go fast if you want, if you hit a slower car then it's your fault for not being a good enough driver to miss them. So you should take the blame for your own mistake. I think some peoples idea of what speed limits are for. Rules are MEANT to be be broken attitude, but if your busted, well, that's your own fault....

Quote from Timdpr :
It can be a lot like rallying. You aren't against anyone on track, but with the right car you are right on the edge, a small mistake and you'll fly 50 miles into the air. Go to LTC, rent a FOX and race round the track! It is very exciting! Plus find the right people, and you can have great races!

Even though you can't do anything really exciting with it except buy cars, you gain money, which (this sounds really stupid) feels nice. You are getting a reward for your efforts.

If you know the right people, you can have great police chases, like the ones that used to go on in CnR servers! I have had some great ones, making me feel like AtTilA08, shaking, adrenaline coursing through my body, something that very few races do!

It's all about knowing the right people, and having friends like you, people that want good chases and races! But that can be hard, as I said, I agree completely with Zen321's post. I'm a racer at heart!

Quote from Eno88 :Would someone remind me why racers hate cruisers? I still don't get this petty war.

Quote from SamH :They don't.

You're confusing "racers" with "mouthy idiots who happen to race".

Racers don't give a damn if people enjoy cruising. Idiots are a different story.

For most people on LFS all the above is competely and utter rubbish. After all, LFS is an racing simulator (and probably the best one at that). We're just making the best out of whats provided...

Quote from Scawen :If you don't like cruise servers, set "Cruise" option to "NO" in the list of hosts. One click and all your worries are solved. Now please stop having this silly argument. We get fed up with reported posts about racers attacking cruisers and drifters.

Quote from Live for Weed ::dnfnoob:
I remember u ******* ****. U crashed me on one of this Server.
Also ur Crap Bro.... btw. u both are slow (dont want again a infraction)
Wou´re not worth. to collect again a point.
Watchout what u say...
because without this Server, would lfs long ago, away from window...

SO RESPECT to LTC,TC,WSC,CLC and much more...

ehm on most u must start with uf1, @ the new wsc beta u can choose uf1,xfg or xrg for start.... but who cares
btw. u must earn the money, or @LTC also licencepoints... for bigger cars.... and thats the point!

Please fix your english, I barely understood first two sentences. :mischievo
For F sake ... cruise does NOT ruin lfs. People, grow up and stop making such stupid posts. If u dont like them, dont play in them! I personally like them.

Cruise server is ... maybe, tryng to simulate something from real life. Driving on the right side and stuff.
(Heiko1) DELETED by Heiko1
Quote from Heiko1 :First learn english then try speak to me...

i understood nothing... what you wrote!

Then gtfo.

Im pretty sure that u understood enough. Stop making these posts where ur sayn tha cruise sux. Just lose it. Its getting close to nvidia-ati fanboyism already.

Edit: Oeps, u wasnt talkin to me? If not, my apologies.
Most of the people who have something negative to say about cruising haven't tried cruising themselves. I know someone who is a serious racer on the Redline team and he has the occasional cruise.
Quote from hazaky :For F sake ... cruise does NOT ruin lfs.

Cruise, maybe, doesn't, but cruisers do.
#11 - EMS
HOW DO YOu install cars
Quote from Shadowww :Cruise, maybe, doesn't, but cruisers do.

True, now get on steam!

Quote from EMS :i have seen on ... many cars and stuff but when you download them how do you install them?

*cough* ... mods are not allowed. Have a banhammer in yo face.
Quote from EMS :i have seen on xxx many cars and stuff but when you download them how do you install them?

Not allowed to talk about that here. Better edit/delete your post.
#14 - senn
why is this in the programmer forum?