It don't matter how much money you've got if your boiler dies the first day the snow hits in the coldest winter in 30 years, which is what happened to me this year
mind you I've not got money either, as I'm paying two lots of rent out from 1 pay paket this month. No I can't afford it, yes I have to pay it. So yes, I do get what not having any money is like.
I just don't see what the big deal is, so I can't go down to London for a bit and I won't be able to take the long weekend in Amsterdam I would like to *shrug*. it's not a big deal.
I've spent most of my life winging it, going from hand to mouth, and never having the money to buy often basic necessities. A lot of my clothes are worn out, and I often only eat once a day. But I'm not poor, far from it. So I can't afford everything I want - big fat hairy deal - I'll survive.
Yes I was born to money, no I don't have any, money just isn't what's important to me.