IHR Events server is open to those who are registered.
If you
are not registered, you cannot join track.
If you
are registered and cannot join track, please contact me via MSN (in my contact info), and I will get it sorted a.s.a.p., there is most likely a typo concerning your username.
Please show respect to those who may be practicing by following these simple rules:
1) Give plenty of racing room
2) Do not block
3) Give way to faster cars
4) Keep chat to a minimum (spamming will get you removed from event)
5) Please do not request setups from someone who is making laps
6) Do Not bumpdraft. Any evidence of bumpdrafting will result in removal from event
Laps are set to practice mode.
You can view
Server Best laptimes for
Registered Drivers by typing
!rsb in chat.
If you have any Event-related questions, visit