naaa, keep them chained up till they have repaired the house
Quote from ACCAkut :naaa, keep them chained up till they have repaired the house

Not a video but I'm too lazy to see if there is a "racing pictures" thread.

Quote from AjRose :Not a video but I'm too lazy to see if there is a "racing pictures" thread.

This would have fitted easily into the Sexy Car Pic thread and I´m not even a fan of those red rockets from Maranello. This looks impressive
I like the picture, although, how boring are all these people when they are ALLLLLL red F40's, I'm pretty sure they did Black and Yellow too, right? Though I doubt 80% of the drivers are the original buyers from when the F40 was brand new either.
Quote from Minimaxman :I was infront of that car that rolled at crash #5 at the time and remember watching it in my mirror, just seeing gravel everywhere and the roof of a car. He's come back with a Sheriff paint job this year though.

His windscreen wipers kept on goin tho, thats a good testiment to build quality, surely? :P
Quote from BlueFlame :His windscreen wipers kept on goin tho, thats a good testiment to build quality, surely? :P

The Japs know how to build them

In 2009 there was a guy in our series who rolled it twice at two consecutive meetings with the same shell but managed to get back out for the second race of the day both times. After the second roll he had to take the windscreen out and race, in the rain, with no windscreen. Not ideal but he managed it!

Racing videos
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