You broke LFS. 

enum // the fourth byte of an IS_SMALL packet is one of these
SMALL_NONE, // 0 : not used
SMALL_SSP, // 1 - instruction : start sending positions
SMALL_SSG, // 2 - instruction : start sending gauges
SMALL_VTA, // 3 - report : vote action
SMALL_TMS, // 4 - instruction : time stop
SMALL_STP, // 5 - instruction : time step
SMALL_RTP, // 6 - info : race time packet (reply to GTH)
SMALL_NLI, // 7 - instruction : set node lap interval
[B]SMALL_SMF, // 8 - instruction : send Sound Mixer File info[/B]
struct IS_SMF // Sound Mixer File (.eng)
byte Size; // 40
byte Type; // ISP_SML
byte ReqI; // ReqI if replying to a request packet (SMALL_SMF)
byte Zero;
byte PLID; // player's unique id
byte Spare0;
char ENGFile[32]; // last byte must be zero
word Toggle; // bit 0 = exhaust, bit 1 = turbo, bit 2 = dumb valve, etc.
// You can obtain an SMF for a given player in the race using the following SMALL:
// ReqI : non-zero (returned in the reply)
// SubT : SMALL_SMF (Sound Mixer File)
// UVal : PLID
struct IS_SMV // Sound Mixer Values
byte Size; // 36
byte Type; // ISP_ISM
byte ReqI; // usually 0 / or if a reply : ReqI as received in the TINY_ISM
byte PLID;
byte CockpitMuffling; // / 100.0f
byte ExhaustPulseTone; // +100 / 100.0f (0 = 1.00, 200 = 3.00)
byte OffPowerTone; // / 100.0f
byte OffPowerVol; // / 100.0f
byte IdleVolBoost; // / 100.0f
byte Uneveness; // / 100.0f
byte ExhaustPipeTone;
byte ToneVariation; // / 100.0f
byte HeaderMix; // / 100.0f
byte CollectorMix; // / 100.0f
byte TailMix; // / 100.0f
byte Silencers; // / 100.0f
byte ExhaustVol; // / 10.0f
byte TurboPitchBase; // * 1000 (Turbo recorded at x RPM)
byte TurboMuffler; // / 100.0f
byte TurboVol; // / 10.0f
byte DumpValveMuffler; // / 100.0f
byte DumpValveVol; // / 10.0f
byte GearWhinePitchBase; // * 100 (Gear whine recorded at x RPM)
byte GWMuffler;
byte GWVol; // / 10.0f
byte AirIntakeMuffler; // / 100.0f
byte AirIntakeVol; // / 10.0f
byte GearShiftMuffler; // / 100.0f
byte GearShiftVol; // / 10.0f
byte StarterMuffler; // / 100.0f
byte StarterVol; // / 10.0f
byte WindVol; // / 10.0f
byte SkidVol; // / 10.0f
word Toggle; // bit 0 = exhaust, bit 1 = turbo, bit 2 = dumb valve, etc.
byte Spare0;