The online racing simulator
#1 - Danke
Race 2 discussion - Roval Rumble
track: Kyoto National
laps: 2 races of 10 laps each
grids: race 1 random, race 2 reverse
server: S3 Racing Thinkin RBs
password: rust (hey, it worked last time)

Reminder 1: You must finish a race to score points in that race.
Reminder 2: There will be a "lag lap" immediately before the start of the first race.
Reminder 3: There is no reminder 3.
Reminder 4: There is no telepitting and rejoining during the race.

Additional notes:
- There are hay bales in the infield chicane to keep you honest, but they are not obtrusive. The layout is on the server already.

Feel free to discuss pre- and post-race here, but keep it respectful. PM me for any protests.
If someone has a setup they need tested I am the man for the job. Post setup here. Otherwise I'll be using the LFS default hard track setup.
Thanks T. Any relation to Mr. T?
#5 - Danke
I've attached what I have so far for this race. I'm trying less for lap times and more for a setup that doesn't burn off the left front tire. So far this lasts about as long as my attention span, which is around 5 laps. I ran a mid 2:02 with it once, but most of the time I'm in the 2:04s.
Attached files
RB4_ky2_danke.set - 132 B - 1060 views
2:02? I thought I was doing good with a 2:05. Back to the drawing board.

Danke, Danke.
#7 - Cabby
Ehh... maybe I'll get around to working on a race setup sometime before Wed.
Quote from Cabby :Ehh... maybe I'll get around to working on a race setup sometime before Wed.

This is a G** D*** RUMBLE you're going into. Aren't you taking it kinda lightly?
#9 - Cabby
Well, if you really want me to do that good then I guess I'll go ahead and make a setup tonight.
Don't feel obligated to practice on our account.

The server is up and passworded for the event tonight. One note on the first race grid...

After exhaustive testing, (2 races with AI) I found that even with /start=random, after a qualifying session, the cars will line up based on qualifying time. I have the server set to practice rather than qualifying, which should fix it. You may not be able to see everyone else's lap times in a practice session, but take my word for it, I'm running in the mid 1:50s Sorry for the mix up in the first event.

And remember there's no lag lap for race 2.
Quote from Danke :After exhaustive testing, (2 races with AI) I found that even with /start=random, after a qualifying session, the cars will line up based on qualifying time. I have the server set to practice rather than qualifying, which should fix it.

You could as well just restart the race again. Then the grid should be random, I think.
Or you could just set the race to 1 lap for the lag lap and let everyone complete a full lap so LFS thinks the race is done, then set official laps and a restart will then make the grid random, or at least it should.

Oh, and I see your 1:50s and raise you 1:45s.
if i disappear's cuz the feds found me.
Quote from z-ro 8 :if i disappear's cuz the feds found me.

..........or she lifted up her shirt again!
Nice racing again fellas. Congrats to Mr. Beer and Cabby on the sweep of the top two podium steps. The results will appear magically after midnight on the site. Like I said in the chat, I can't believe anyone ever chooses to drive an RB4 in TBO leagues. My LF tire won't even speak to me anymore. It sure adds a fun element though when you're trying to go fast and keep your tire from igniting.

Also, submit your pics in this thread for the honorary best drift pic award. I hadn't planned on doing anything like that, but the more I practiced the more it seemed I had to drift to keep the LF cool(ish). You may pimp up your pic by whatever method you choose, but it has to be your car in one of this week's races.
My drift
May not count, as it was more of a mistake, but the picture looks cool I think. I'll leave it up to the judges. T1 Race 1 my RR got some air over a curb and I almost looped it.
Attached images
Are spins considered drifting? I don't know how to drift but I sure car spin a car around a few times.

I'd like to thank Mr. Havoc on his sportsmanship. No matter how much I tried to let him pass me in the second race he wouldn't. I am not used to having people in my rear view mirror. I missed a few braking points while watching him in the mirror instead of watching the road.
Quote from tshorter :May not count, as it was more of a mistake, but the picture looks cool I think. I'll leave it up to the judges. T1 Race 1 my RR got some air over a curb and I almost looped it.

Not a bad pic, although you started the drift by dropping a tire into the grass. According to Keiichi Tsuchiya in the drift bible that's how "little girls in Hello Kitty shirts"* drift.

The Rusty Screw goes to JayBee for his disconnection from a podium spot in race 2. Three of the four Canadians from last week don't show up, then the one that does gets disconnected? I need to make sure I disabled that anti-Canadian filter.

* the translation is a little loose
Attached images
rusty screw2.jpg
Quote from Danke : Three of the four Canadians from last week don't show up, then the one that does gets disconnected? I need to make sure I disabled that anti-Canadian filter.

Oops! forgot about wednesday nights... will be there next week
My ISP was nice enough to email me that my internet was down from 9:00 to 1:30
I will try again next week
Quote from glenh :My ISP was nice enough to email me that my internet was down from 9:00 to 1:30
I will try again next week

I'm sure a strongly worded letter from the Commish of the WBC will straighten them out.

BTW, a few programming notes...

- The replays are now download-able from the results pages for each event.

- I've invoked the mercy rule and shortened the Fern Bay RX Green races (on Feb. 17th) from 40 laps to 30.
Working nights now, wont make it till Feb 3rd.
Clearly I should have spent some time on set development and tire temps.

Looking forward to rally next week.
Quote from bdshan :Are spins considered drifting? I don't know how to drift but I sure car spin a car around a few times.

I'd like to thank Mr. Havoc on his sportsmanship. No matter how much I tried to let him pass me in the second race he wouldn't. I am not used to having people in my rear view mirror. I missed a few braking points while watching him in the mirror instead of watching the road.

was only fair, since Gil's fuel estimator, which i borrowed before the first race, let me down and you were there to help me finish.
Bringing in an astounding 100% of the vote, the award for best drift picture goes to T-SHO!
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