The online racing simulator
(31 posts, started )
Just watch the mpr, it was in a demo server look at roofL. Is it me or he has admin rights in that server? It was in this server Blackwood XFG XRG
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ö.mpr - 182.1 KB - 835 views
Quote from Luis_Javier :roofL

He is back again
Yes it's a hacker, best of all...

EDIT: Watched the replay. It's not possible to have two admins at the same time...until now oO
he is a damm fool, I hope he gets banned for life, Its not on
What nubs, really hate those people.
#5 - Byku
Yes he is a fool, yet it is very annoying because devs will have to find some way to protect lfs again... and that's time T_T. Morons(those hackers)....
Quote from Amynue :
EDIT: Watched the replay. It's not possible to have two admins at the same time...until now oO

You can have as many admins as you want
Oh damn, why is he doing this?

OT: Thanks devs for making it so simple, the replay. Click and Open

Edit: Hes lfsworld profile, watch the fuel burnt and kilometres driven ^^
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whoa the world best hypermiling driver?
Beacause of this guy rooofl, original Lc cruise server is gone, so actualy he has done something good to community.

E: If its same guy not sure, nickname is same.
Unfortunately he can register as many demo accounts as he can.
There's a guy with the same name that was almost 20 seconds faster than the WR in my team's server.

Probably it was him!
Quote from Ales_M :Beacause of this guy rooofl, original Lc cruise server is gone, so actualy he has done something good to community.

E: If its same guy not sure, nickname is same.

Well, i wouldnt say that. I was online in LC at the time when it went down and also its worth to mention that the server didnt go down because of the hacker.

As far as i remember, the guy in LC had blank username and the nickname as some green-guy or some. It was definately something with "green".
Quote from hazaky :Well, i wouldnt say that. I was online in LC at the time when it went down and also its worth to mention that the server didnt go down because of the hacker.

As far as i remember, the guy in LC had blank username and the nickname as some green-guy or some. It was definately something with "green".

If you realy was online that time im sure you would remember... I was and I remember, I have too personaly thanks to this two hackers, since I didnt join any cruise server after that no more. The other guy was greenboy. And server went down just becuse of this two hackers, they had admin pass somehow, they banned original admins, so the owner Mr. Xnooberxes have no other option but to shut it down.
Quote from Ales_M :If you realy was online that time im sure you would remember... I was and I remember, I have too personaly thanks to this two hackers, since I didnt join any cruise server after that no more. The other guy was greenboy. And server went down just becuse of this two hackers, they had admin pass somehow, they banned original admins, so the owner Mr. Xnooberxes have no other option but to shut it down.

The server wasnt shut down because of the hackers

And no, my life isnt that boring so i could clearly remember what happened more than 1.5 years ago (not sure when it was exactly).
Quote from hazaky :The server wasnt shut down because of the hackers

And no, my life isnt that boring so i could clearly remember what happened more than 1.5 years ago (not sure when it was exactly).

Didnt mean like that, I know cruising is serious bussines. Why was it shut down then?? Cuz they had two admins too much??
Quote from Ales_M :Didnt mean like that, I know cruising is serious bussines. Why was it shut down then?? Cuz they had two admins too much??

Ow, as i understood Xerxes some time ago it was because of "no point". They probably didnt had money just to rent a server and they didnt get anything back from there. I assume, but not sure.
(AtomAnt) DELETED by AtomAnt
Quote from hazaky :As far as i remember, the guy in LC had blank username and the nickname as some green-guy or some. It was definately something with "green".

Greenboy and rooofl.
Hmm, and he still only managed a 1:38??
We had the same Cheaters sometimes our Lan Servers.
We let this people (kids) play alone everytime. We go to the Pit and let him drive alone.

belive me this crap guys are so borred after MAXIMUM of 2 minutes they leave the server.

Dont speak to him, dont chat, dont play. Ignore them, then this kids realize they burn her own time away to hack games and pissed off.
Quote from Kamrock :Hmm, and he still only managed a 1:38??

yea but he turned back to crash!!\
fookn idiot
rooofl (niptuck), super cheater
we know, someone posted another replay last week.

best you can do is email the replay to the devs and let them deal with it.
REPORT : crashunit2
Ehh, pretty simple really. Saw a couple of people talking in a Blackwood carpark server about someone using speed hacks, they said the username (was originally niptuck, now crashunit2) and found him online, so I, curious found him in a demo cruise server ([GIR] Cruise Server 2) where he reluctantly showed speedhacking down the Blackwood GP straight.

He then asked for the server admin pass to put an S2 layout in place, which he did

Aaaaaaaaaaand to finish it off he's now making S2 cars available to anyone in the demo server.

Didn't know where else to post so........if this is the wrong place feel free to move the topic.

EDIT: Now another name > crashunit1, same server.
Yeahh it's that guy again.
Just about everyone in the server has cracked S2 either single or online, which is how they are able to use the cars. I mentioned actually paying for S2 and got flamed, srsly wtf.

(31 posts, started )