I think the thread you were referring to was when a comment was made that LFS is too cheap so that just anyone can buy it without caring about what it means to do so.
I can see where that statement was coming from, there are a lot of people who don't take the simulator seriously. But I don't think it is too cheap. I wouldn't mind giving a little more to the developers if I had it; as is I pay for HQ skins more to keep contributing. Personally I feel LFS is an amazing deal - I've played it for several years and still play it, for $50usd (about what it cost me) I would say LFS is the best entertainment per dollar I have spend on about anything; that likely even includes adding my entire Sim Racing Station that I have built specifically because I play LFS...
That said, if LFS would have been more costly before I had bought the license I do not know if I would have bought the license. I now know otherwise and would be willing to pay more, but back then I do not think I would have felt the same. Not to get into another thread about development speed, but that is a huge reason why I think my entertainment value has, and will continue to rise while playing LFS because it is a constantly changing environment, not many games have that support from their developers. The few that do are generally subscription based, and I have not jumped on board with the 'lets pay $X a month to keep playing a game." LFS is likely the _only_ game I've ever played that I would even consider a monthly subscription, that said I do not wish for that, and I doubt that the developers would take the that route. Money doesn't seem to be their motivation, which I could be wrong about, but LFS has true love in the development. Sure there are other better looking things out there, and there are some other simulators competing in other regards, but nothing compares to the effort and 'feeling' that is put into the projec there.