The online racing simulator
LRT - Lublin Racing Team is looking for new members.
Hello Everyone!
Lublin Racing Team is on LFS stage since 2006.
I'm chief of the polish team called LRT. We are racing now in GTAL league, and we hope we will start next season in MOE GT2. We are on reserve list and we need more active drivers . Currently we are looking for middle expierienced and expiernced racers. If you have no team, if your team is not perfect for you. Check us!
We are polish team but language is not a barrier. We have polish and english web. And we are planning to get more quick drivers around the world, and make own dream team , to fight for wins in leagues. ... id=90071&d=1249824249 GTAL 2009 3rd ctra 29. (we could be much higher, but they closed ctra )

YOU can contact me via mail -
YOU can visit our web and read about us -
YOU can visit and send your application on our forum ... b99209a90f33e1761a40b7a06
YOU can get your own mail adres
YOU can have team server ( Lublin Racing Team Server )
YOU can racing as our member in long 3h races
...and finally .. YOU CAN JOIN US!
Hehe, good luck guys
I hope you will find good drivers good luck
#4 - J@tko
Good Luck guys - good team, even if we do mix you up with ZION when we're doing GTAL things
Quote :Lublin Racing Team is on LFS stage since 2006.

team is since september 2006 but with name "Lublin Racing Team" is since 2007 in january 25-27 or febuary. (dont remember when we're born lol) and we're not that old with that name.

So 3rd year is close
#6 - kiste
Luki, you have an pm!
Hey btw I realised only recently that the city where I was born(Nancy) and Lublin are sister cities
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Hey btw I realised only recently that the city where I was born(Nancy) and Lublin are sister cities

Yeah i saw it in city hall
Oh yeah .. inactive is our little problem for now :/ I for example have broken hand. We are fast and we have good teamwork, but we don't have sixth sense.
EliteAti has joined Lublin Racing Team
Is there actually a team Moronz hasn't been in?
Quote from frantic88 :EliteAti has joined Lublin Racing Team

Aaah nice, Congrats Anton, good luck in your team and good luck LRT
Grats to both parts
grats and good luck
Good luck to forthcoming members, and to the team!

See you on track (In GTAL)
congrats mates.
Gratz ziom.