Time to improve Forefeedback for steeringwheels users
Now I agree LFS should be LFS but there are some points where I wish LFS was more like iRacing and NKPro.

After playing those 2 games the FFB in my G25 feels numb. (BTW I also have a DFP and it too feels numb when compared to iRacing and NKPro).
I use the settings that are in the wheel wiki and use FFB @ 55%

I used to think LFS felt good and on par with RBR, rFactor and GTR2 in terms of FFB, but now I feel LFS has some catching up to do.

1 the crisp feeling you get when you play iRacing and NKpro need to be imitated, right now on general driving feels sloppy in comparison and need more forces added.
2 Now driving a XRG and BF1 do feel different, but not different enough. BF1 should require more force to turn the wheel
3 LFS simulated alignment problems great but NKPro just does it better (this is probably related to 1 not being crisp enough)
4 FFB when you collide need to be improved right not you have to tune how you feel the rumble strips (too much FFB and you cant feel them too little and you cant feel forces while driving) dont know how iracing and NKP do it but it works in those games.
5 "The death wiggle" in LFS when you are about to lose control the wheel is still subdue pushing left and right, while in iRacing and NKP its violent, angry at you.
6 Track feel (maybe i am wrong about this one) in LFS you really only get 2 feelings(3 if you count when your wheels are in the air) 1 on the track and 2 on the grass. In the other games you can feel the differences in the graininess of the track, you can feel the tire sticking (or lack of it) to the road. and tarmac and concrete feel different. I know visually LFS has the smoothest roads on earth but does that mean if feel the same way though the FFB of a wheel?

Please chime in and tell me other ideas where LFS FFB is lacking or where I am wrong (and I suspect I am)

Now even if the Devs dont do a thing I still love the FFB but I hope they know there there is room for improvement there too. But who knows maybe the new tire physics will fix it, or maybe when and if they do go to a newer DirectX (or OGL)
Actually, I think the only change that should be made is figuring out a way to counteract the hardware deficiencies of wheels. Maybe this requires exaggerating certain forces for a short time to alleviate motor response time or something similar. LFS does feel kinda numb, but it's hard to pinpoint what the real cause is.

From a purely conceptual point of view the way LFS' force feedback is implemented is already pretty much optimal. It only reports the forces that the simulation generates at the steering rack - nothing more, nothing less. This in turn means that the upcoming tyre physics updates will most likely also change how the force feedback feels, hopefully for the better. And that's really how it should be done; the force feedback needs to be improved by improving the simulation of tyres and suspension, not by adding imaginary, canned forces out of nowhere to make it feel better without actually simulating what's behind those forces.
Quote from AndroidXP :From a purely conceptual point of view the way LFS' force feedback is implemented is already pretty much optimal. It only reports the forces that the simulation generates at the steering rack - nothing more, nothing less.

So then maybe the magnification needs to be set higher? And is that magnification what FFB percentage is in the options. if that is true setting it higher than 55% doesnt really make it feel better.

Well there is one canned force that most of us wish felt better and that is the rumblestrips. right now its hit or miss depending on your ffb setting around 30% its feels good but you dont feel the road as well, at 50% its hard to feel at all. If the rumble strips not canned then maybe using canned forces may be better in this instance.

Grand Turismo had a canned effect for wind which felt good though, not quite real, it was the effect for drafting in GT4 (rumble strips felt good too the variance was speed and L or R tire dependant). While in the draft steering was a little lighter with every fraction of a second you felt some wind in the way of very slight hardening of the wheel.

I feel that canned effects are not always bad as long as they implemented realistically.
Quote from OmniMoAK :So then maybe the magnification needs to be set higher?

Quote from AndroidXP :the upcoming tyre physics updates will most likely change how the force feedback feels, hopefully for the better. And that's really how it should be done; the force feedback needs to be improved by improving the simulation of tyres and suspension, not by adding imaginary forces.

Enough said imo.
Quote from OmniMoAK :
Well there is one canned force that most of us wish felt better and that is the rumblestrips. right now its hit or miss depending on your ffb setting around 30% its feels good but you dont feel the road as well, at 50% its hard to feel at all. If the rumble strips not canned then maybe using canned forces may be better in this instance.

There are two things that I think should be simulated by the force feedback, the force at the steering rack, which LFS already does and forces from the entire car moving, which currently are not. The 'rumblestrip' canned effect falls into this second category.

The current method only simulates forces on the suspension and wheels relative to the car, wheras I think there should be a second set of forces of the car (specifically of the steering wheel) relative to the driver. The tricky thing comes from the fact that current FFB can only twist the wheel in your hands. Ideally, you'd want a second set of motors that can shake the steering column up and down too. This would capture things like rumble strips properly and not have to rely on effects.
Quote from Whiskey :I didn't tested this, but it could be what you are looking for


Just letting everyone know, I gave that plugin a try. I must say with a little more work this should be what LFS feels like. Steering now requires more work and is more lively. That said its not perfect needs some smoothing out, but a heck of a lot better and FFB is set to 25%.

In SO City when you drive over the rails you can feel it now through the wheel. Before you felt something like a light rattle, now you can feel the distinct ---__-__-__--- when the front wheel go over the tracks. Although in real life you do feel it through the front wheels, its more pronounced in the rear tires (shock from the seat of your pants), but I understand hard and incorrect to simulate that through the steering wheel.

In BL_GP when you go over the kerb with the right side of the car the steering wheel pushes much harder to the left cause of the camber of the road. Before even at 60% FFB you could hold the steering wheel straight without even realizing that you were off camber.