2 weeks ago I was shopping around for a new speaker set, I couldn't decide really between 5.1/2.1 etc...so I had a gander at reviews and what was available to me.
It probably won't come as a surprise that the Logitech Z-5500's quickly found its way to my shortlist so on impulse I was just going to buy there and then to a website that sold them at a reasonable price. I looked around and the prices were a bit crazy...at least I thought anyway.
I then consulted ocUK to ask if they would get any in stock, since they were reasonable but obviously none in stock. A representative replied with this:
So I decided against them.
Then I went to my uncle's, who's kind of an audiophile. He told me to look at different brands, ones specific to speakers/hifi. He even offered me an old amp of his and said buy some bookshelf speakers within your budget, however because of a space issue I decided against.
So more to the point I found a 2.1 system made by the hifi company "Acoustic Energy". Upon reading reviews they are spot on and almost half the price of the Z-5500s. I found specifically these:
http://www.overclockers.co.uk/ ... p;catid=22&subcat=173
I bought them and...well....they are fantastic. Opened the box and felt the satellite speakers...noticing they are fully metal and weighty yet so small! Even the sub which is quite the opposite being huge has a metal body. Audio reproduction is simply brilliant, I mean theres so much more depth to my music...sounds I never knew existed in some songs! And they go very loud, with no sign of breaking up either.
Basically thought I would share this product to anyone looking for speakers, because they are that good
If I did look even further than I did, I would have bought these, but I am far from dissapointed.
It probably won't come as a surprise that the Logitech Z-5500's quickly found its way to my shortlist so on impulse I was just going to buy there and then to a website that sold them at a reasonable price. I looked around and the prices were a bit crazy...at least I thought anyway.
I then consulted ocUK to ask if they would get any in stock, since they were reasonable but obviously none in stock. A representative replied with this:
So I decided against them.
Then I went to my uncle's, who's kind of an audiophile. He told me to look at different brands, ones specific to speakers/hifi. He even offered me an old amp of his and said buy some bookshelf speakers within your budget, however because of a space issue I decided against.
So more to the point I found a 2.1 system made by the hifi company "Acoustic Energy". Upon reading reviews they are spot on and almost half the price of the Z-5500s. I found specifically these:
http://www.overclockers.co.uk/ ... p;catid=22&subcat=173
I bought them and...well....they are fantastic. Opened the box and felt the satellite speakers...noticing they are fully metal and weighty yet so small! Even the sub which is quite the opposite being huge has a metal body. Audio reproduction is simply brilliant, I mean theres so much more depth to my music...sounds I never knew existed in some songs! And they go very loud, with no sign of breaking up either.
Basically thought I would share this product to anyone looking for speakers, because they are that good
If I did look even further than I did, I would have bought these, but I am far from dissapointed.