The online racing simulator

Poll : What time is the most appropriate for you?

21:00 (UTC+2)
20:00 (UTC+2)
22:00 (UTC+2)
Baltic Cup 2010 Race time
Hi, in my opinion 20:00 (UTC+2) is a bit too early for the races. I tend to believe that a lot of racers like my self have another kind of activities during that time , like homework, simply just work or even families ets.., so i'd like to suggest to change that race start time or even the day and move it to the end of the weekend like Sunday evening so more advanced drivers could attend races. Thank you.
I think it's too late,but nvm I would agree to do the races on Friday or Saturday
Day is not that important... the most important thing is time, couz if it is going to be 20.00 i wount be able to participate, so i agree with Modestas...
I agree with Mantas.
E: Wtf, i misread the title, i thought this was about the IFCL as there was some time issues aswell. Ignore my post please =)
Ya,agree with you guys

P.S. I don't think Ati you can race :/
I think 21:00 is perfect. 22:00 is too late, and 20:00 is too early. Voted for 21:00.
prOmo_LTU m8 check options again there is no time 23.00 to vote for....we are talking about 20,21 or 22h
Ya,i'v just mised coundet and missunderstood some thing ;D placed my vote.
21.00 is perfect.
Hey everyone again and especialy BC league Admins... Could you please deny or confirm the racing time ? couz i can tell by looking at votes the majority of racers would like it to be 21.00
Well, you get my vote. From Latvian side, we agree that races should be at 21:00, let's see what exspeed says.
Well , according to the current pool results , i guess that race time will be 21.00 , 50% voted for , so there`s no need to consider anything about that
21h would be perfect
Quote from Derbis1990 :Well , according to the current pool results , i guess that race time will be 21.00 , 50% voted for , so there`s no need to consider anything about that

I think that you are not exspeed.
Quote from VTiRacing :I think that you are not exspeed.

I`m not the god either We know that race time will be 21.00 , everybody voted for it (~50% ) so changing the time to 22.00 or 20.00 would be stupid , because "it fits to me". No one does like that
If exspeed said that race will start at 20.00 GMT+2, then its start 20.00 GMT+2.
Quote from VTiRacing :If exspeed said that race will start at 20.00 GMT+2, then its start 20.00 GMT+2.

:ices_rofl, there are other management members..
If the majority vote for 21:00, it would be stupid not to listen them... but well, if you want to have less people in the race...
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Deleted all the "crying" posts. I will delete all post where someone will be insulting others or telling crap.
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Quote from Karolis[Lt] :If the majority vote for 21:00, it would be stupid not to listen them... but well, if you want to have less people in the race...

i tend to agree :P
I didn't reply before just to see what people are going to write here. Round 1 will be 20:00, not going to change it at the last minute. I will consider the voting and for everyone sakes I'll try to change the race times then. I don't promise anything.
wtf, when reply earlier....
Quote from Karolis[Lt] :wtf, when reply earlier....

wtf, i couldn't be here earlier, stop crying for crying out loud
Quote from VTiRacing :Here is grid for Round 1:

EDIT: Race will start at 21.00 GMT+2

Quote from exspeed :I didn't reply before just to see what people are going to write here. Round 1 will be 20:00, not going to change it at the last minute. I will consider the voting and for everyone sakes I'll try to change the race times then. I don't promise anything.

20:00 or 21:00?