[Just an Idea] 7 days Endurance Cup
Hi racers,

i had just an idea which is really hard to realize. Maybe one of you want to give it a try

The idea ist following: 7 races will be done where each last 24 hours (or 14 events with 12 hours) and the championship is similar to a rallye event with multiple stages... so no points will be given, just the times will be added.
There will be no multiclass racing, so each event has another car to ensure all have the same chances (i think 24h with an UF1 would be great fun ). The simple goal is to have a full week of racing in the end

Thats just an idea as i said, and if anyone is interested, he/she can do it without permission.
People go Working ! People has family ! People has a lot of to in the Week.

A Weekend Endurance Cup over 7 weeksends is Possible.
Otherwise only Schoolkids and nonworker has 1 Week sustained time for LFS.

I think the title missled you. I believe he meant the races to be held over a number of months not all in one week. How much coffee and red bull would that take?

I think it's a great idea on paper but who wants to organise it?
Quote from menantoll :Xenix74,

I think the title missled you. I believe he meant the races to be held over a number of months not all in one week. How much coffee and red bull would that take?

I don't know, I kind of got the idea that it would be a one week event as well.

Quote : The simple goal is to have a full week of racing in the end

#5 - Mysho
Yea me too, if so, then it's a huge nonsense.
I'm going to say that the title is very misleading.

Quote :7 races will be done where each last 24 hours (or 14 events with 12 hours)

From this statement I gather that he wants a championship; decided by points, or some other form; possibly even where gaps are kept from race to race... But his idea is (from my understanding) to do an endurance race that lasts 1 week in virtual time, and each race/event adds to that virtual timer. It isn't a week straight.

14 races * 12 = 7 * 24. These 14 races could be spread out over the entire year yet his idea of a "1 week race" could be happening. I don't know, maybe I am misunderstanding it. The idea seems fine in concept though I don't know if it really differs from DoP or MoE except for the fact that he states that there isn't multiple car classes; though a possibility of the car changing?? I like the car changing from event to event if that is what is meant by the statement.
That is the way it came across but I assumed it was down to language. It would be almost impossible for any team to get enough drivers to drive 7 days straight. Where as something like MoE would be possible.

I also assume from what was said that the winner would be whoever has a time closest to 168 hours ( 7 days x 24 hours) as thats the time you would have if you won all events.
Ahhh yes, that makes sense now. Basically everyone does 100laps (or some high number) at event 1. Then on event 2 everyone does another amount of laps at another combo. They continue driving after the race has finished until each driver has 100 laps. Take the times and add them up; The winner should be somewhere close to 168hrs. It is a distance race more than a time race, though the distance given is something that would take roughly 168hrs to complete.
It would be, at least, original but it is impossible due to this: if the championship leader laps the 2nd in one of the events, how will you calculate the real time the leader wins over the other guy?

The fastest lap?
The slower one?
What if, in that last lap the 2nd placed couldn't do, he crashed against a wall and flip over?

It's very tricky to do, requirering a lot of regulation...
Like I mentioned you would allow everyone to finish their race; which the timer keeps going and a special InSim based application could be used to retrieve the time that each person finished the distance. So even if LFS thinks you are done racing you still need to do the additional 2 laps that you were lapped by.
Thats actually an interesting idea IMO.