The online racing simulator
The Official Stunt Driving - Driving In Reverse Thread
Well lately there has been quite a few people interested in reverse driving, and i think it would be better to put up a tutorial, not because i don't want to answer their question but because I always disappear in the middle of anything. It's just a compilation of comments in the previous thread, grouped into one tutorial. If you are not interested in reverse driving, um.........there's a more interesting thread somewhere in the forum. So, here goes:

Lesson 0: To start cracking, first get some speed in forward, and then pull the handbrake until you did a 180 and you car rolls in reverse.......remember to straighten the steering at the moment your car is backwards, else it would just do a 360..........oh, and remember to turn off clutch help......that wears out the clutch in seconds

Lesson 1: For reversing view i use the wheel mode and press R and first i use the 3rd person view and wait for it to look from the front of the car to the back, but later i found out it's hard to determine the actual slide angle (or generally speaking how the car is/is going to behave). If you can make a custom view that sets the view in reverse, that's fine. However, I would just like to point out one advantage of using the look back button is that you can always see what the rozzer is going to do or where he major disadvantage is when you let of of the button, you could accidentally steer the wrong way........

Lesson 2: How to control the car

Now, as the car is now rolling backwards, any steering input would be reflected in an opposite and magnified way. This is due to that the inertia of the rear end of the car would focus on the rear wheels. In normal cases (going forward), the weight transfer to the rear is good as you have the front wheels dragging the car to change direction, resulting in a better steering stability. When reversing, the extra load on the rear steering wheels could easily overcome the tyre's grip and the car will experience oversteer.

Car Dynamics: (Warning, the following guide is only applicable to RWDs ONLY. FWDs are a totally different matter)
To control the car, besides steering left to go right, ANY STEERING HAS TO BE AS MINIMAL AS POSSIBLE. Any excessive lock would cause your car to spin. One common problem with any reversing sets (at least with mine) is that it would start to understeer a little half way through the corner (e.g. devil's corner/drifter's corner in TC Montana).

You can cure this by giving it more lock PROGRESSIVELY or indeed give it more gas (usually what i do to catapult out of a corner) to transfer more weight for more grip. Not every situation can be countered by this technique but with the right speed, there shouldn't be the need to apply for brakes mid-way through a corner.

Update: from experience, I think you need to center the steering a little after the apex, or mid corner. This can vary greatly with suspension setup, but for my FZ5 I usually start center my steering when approaching the corner exit, and give appropriate opposite lock depending on situations.

When offroading (etc grass/sand), pay extra attention to the difference of grip between tarmac and grass, it can greatly steer the car when accelerating. Give it a lot more lock when cornering on grass.

Pay attention to the engine layout of the chosen car for reversing. FRs have their engines up front so it is easier for them to overcome rear grip. MRs have quite perfect for the job, the RAC being most used by Mr. P and god he's quick through the corners ( we both agreed after so many races and cruises : top speed is not important. It's the fun and speed it can dish out in corners which matters.). RRs would be then FFs when going forward so its handling is likewise.

Here's an extra Tip: ALWAYS RESIST THE URGE TO GIVE IT OPPOSITE LOCK when the car starts to spin. After the rear has slid more than the point of no return, which is only a little more than normal steering angle, any opposite will not only NOT save you, but it would make you spin faster. Do a proper 180, drive forward, and do a 180 to reverse again.

FWDs handles like RWDs with no steering up front and soap as tyres in the back. The above guide does not apply. The sets are so dangerous and suicidal that i am not bothering to write a guide for it here, not because i am lazy (acutally i am :tilt but it's that no one is gonna make a set for FWDs anyway........personally i do not suggest people use FWDs for reversing.

Spinoff: Reverse drift.

It's not really what you expect. More like oversteer, a reversing RWD can only do little drifts like most FWDs, mostly momentum induced. It's not hard to initial a oversteer, but it's hard to control it. So one tip i can offer is to go a little faster than you normally would, turn in as you normally would and then delay the time you start to give it opposite lock. That would let the car slide a bit and it would look like a car oversteering from behind.

Best car for reversing? I believe it is either the FZ5 or the RAC, but in the end, it all depends on the driver. Mr. P controlled his RAC so well even with less top speed than mine he could outrun me a few hundred meters.......and the tuning is also critical.........

Best improvement award?? that has to be awarded to the UF1. Lovely.

What car to stay off? FXO.

tip: 4WD aren't the best drivetrain to use in reverse driving........the 4WD system would seriously wear down the performance and cornering is not exactly as sharp as the other 2WDs

tip: start with a XRG.......easy to control, hone the skills, then progress to faster cars.........uf1 is good too, partly because it has the least power but also its handling has improved DRAMATICALLY when driving backwards

tip: reverse driving quite often get you into chases. Although PITs are no good to stopping reverse drivers (just get into 1st and roar away XD) , your car will eventually get damaged. Damaged camber/suspension on a reversing car is very dangerous. The car can oversteer beyond any control, so if you car is damaged, go forward. Unless of course if you want your car to end up somewhere you don't want it to go.

And finally...Here's 2 mpr of my reverse cruising (and running)

Please Skip the first 1-2 minutes in Reverse 1........
Reverse chase fail << the name means there are other cars to put things in prespective.
For my first successful escape replay, look for Saito-Reverse Cruising.........the replay was quite old you see.....

Reverse 1:
Reverse 2: (Escape failed in the end)
My first successful escape on reverse set:

25/2/2012 update: Wow havent visited forums for a long long replay of reverse driving and a chase (of course there were multiple fails and I got caught in the end, just for a minor mistake in choice of road.....)
Epic Chase starts at 2 min 38 sec, another one at 31 min 55 sec. Check it out XD

I have also decided to make my private XRG reverse setup public, so that everybody can try getting the o.O reaction when you pass somebody in reverse. Note: please practice offline first and please try not to crash into ppl~

I may upload more setups for other cars later, depending on whether ppl actually want it.

Hope this tutorial guide can help. Cheers

Rock Shooter
I do not understand your question AndroidXP. Please ask in complete sentence. Thank you.
#4 - wzk
Nice thread Neoman.. never tried to do reverse driving for a long time, but with this brief tutorial/tips I'll give a try xD
you need help on reverse driving?
lol what's it with single worded questions these days?

BTW can somebody convert those replays into videos for me? I don't have the machine powerful enough to get a working video.
Setup and time....
Hi man :-D I have a 2 questions
1. What is the best time to track BL GP? with the XRG car in reverse?
2. Have you good XRG reverse setup to send me? i making my personal setup, but my times is 1:44:25 i playin on ReVeRzO nick in LFS...

And sorry my english, i dont speak Im from Czech Republic...
Well, I am going to try set a lap on a BL GP tmr so that you can have a look at it. For sets, i suggest you ask logitekg25, he is a hell of a set maker.

Don't worry about English. I will understand as long as you have the basic words
Well, The best I got to on XRG in reverse on BL is 1:48:XX.......1:44 is very hard to achieve even going sure you set a 44 in reverse?

Enclosing is that 6 laps of BL action, but skip those forward going laps. they are for tyre warming or screw ups =.=

Also enclosed is a series of lap of me in FZ5 reversing.

Feel free to ask questions.
Attached files
reverse XRG.mpr - 128.6 KB - 480 views
reversing xrg 2.mpr - 826 KB - 405 views
New PB 1:43:96
A half hour later.... NEW RECORD 1:43:64
I get now new record 1:43:64
and now is MPR ...

It is interesting how you managed to achieve a speed of 180 KM / H
With my setup can be achieved almost 160 KM / H
Perhaps it will be because they use hybrid tires ....
Because the reverse journey is better to control ..
Attached files
new_record_1_43_64_HURRAY.mpr - 99.7 KB - 377 views
ReVeRzO attack on the world scene with his XRG car
Why did you bump this?

Quote from Bose321 :Why did you bump this?


What is your problem? He made a lap, possibly the world record. Can you do it? I bet you can't even reverse a full lap without spinning. If you can't do it then please shut it. Learn to appreciate others.

Good work J.D.SKAlpel, I still can't match your laptime. You really have very good car control.
Quote from Neoman15M :What is your problem? He made a lap, possibly the world record. Can you do it? I bet you can't even reverse a full lap without spinning. If you can't do it then please shut it. Learn to appreciate others.

Good work J.D.SKAlpel, I still can't match your laptime. You really have very good car control.

Thank you very much... Perhaps I'm not good at driving forwards, but I found something that I'm good ... And most importantly I'm fun.
(pssst!!! My secret?? Im the ForkLift Driver )
Quote from J.D.SKAlpel :Thank you very much... Perhaps I'm not good at driving forwards, but I found something that I'm good ... And most importantly I'm fun.
(pssst!!! My secret?? Im the ForkLift Driver )

Haha!! I see why you are so skillful. You are very good, smooth racing line.
and what is the point of this thread?
Quote from EDC SlideTech :and what is the point of this thread?

What is the point of you post if you don't look at the title before you click into here? It's a thread about driving your car in reverse just like anybody driving forward without being too slow.
I did look at the title, and i read the whole OP, tyvm
Quote from EDC SlideTech :I did look at the title, and i read the whole OP, tyvm

Then it's time for you to eat your medicine. You are getting off topic here.
LMAO , I watched the replay
Quote from gangsteer :LMAO , I watched the replay

The replay is just for reference I know there are lots of people much better than me out there. Feel free to check the replays on the first post too. They are just to show how it is driven.

Can somebody kindly youtube these replays for me? My old computer cannot get more than 20fps on LFS alone.......
FWD is not impossible to drive in reverse.. Just, you need a fair bit of practise, and a steady hand :P
Quote from Neoman15M :Then it's time for you to eat your medicine. You are getting off topic here.

I didnt think you could EAT medicine