Sorry if this sounds harsh, and as sad as this outcome was, it was totally avoidable.
I mean seriously come on for gawds sake, if you have time to make a phone call and ask for advice then surely common sense and well, any kind of intelligence would indicate to just knock it into neutral and brake as normal, or if the pedal was stuck down which i gather it was, then surely the first sensible and logical explaination is that something in the footwell is obviously holding the pedal down, so the 1st thought would be maybe the floor mat has moved, it aint rocket science.
To recall a car over this is just silly IMO, if this is a genuine reason for a recall then i guess i had better get on the phone to vauxhall ford nissan volvo and mazda, as all of those cars i have owned have had floor mats ride up and under the pedals at some point.
Sorry, but driver of that car = retard, use common sense, you might not die.
The saddest part of this is that he took his family with him.