Brought a bike last night :)
(48 posts, started )
Quote from danowat :I prefer not to draw to much attention, which is why I wanted a bike with a standard can .


If you get bored of listening to a singer sewing machine humming between your legs, you could always get a road legal can, gives a few extra horses and sounds sweeter!
Quote from Gentlefoot :Spot on m8. It's an absolute screamer. Got an Ixil zorst and k&n too. EVERYONE looks round if you take it up the rev range!

Did the 600 have the steering dampener to stop any tank slapping?
yeah - I love having a bit of noise. It always seems quiet on the bike anyway .

TL1000R - hmm... cheap 1 litre v twin grunt - nice
No steering damper. I crossed a white painted line in the middle of the road whilst pulling out to overtake. Hard on the thottle in second and the front did start to twitch but it was no big deal really. Done 155mph on it a few times and it felt rock solid.
Quote from Gentlefoot :yeah - I love having a bit of noise. It always seems quiet on the bike anyway .

TL1000R - hmm... cheap 1 litre v twin grunt - nice

Of course if i was a real macho hairy arsed biker it would be the TL1000s or if you were harder still it would be the GSXR1100, but i like the fact the bikes i've riden had reasonable frames and went round corners!!
I was in Cardiff on a stag night a couple of year ago and the bouncer for Macdonalds (yes, they have a doorman for the famous fast food outlet in Cardiff) had an absolutley mint GSX1100R. Perfect it was. Blue and white - classic suki colours and. Even the white wheels were totally unmarked.

But those fast old sports bikes are all a bit dodgy if you ask me. Even the little the RD350LC - 'the widowmaker'.

The first blades were pretty 'pointy' too.

Sometimes I just want a Bandit 1200 to chug about on tho. lol.
Quote from Gentlefoot :I was in Cardiff on a stag night a couple of year ago and the bouncer for Macdonalds (yes, they have a doorman for the famous fast food outlet in Cardiff) had an absolutley mint GSX1100R. Perfect it was. Blue and white - classic suki colours and. Even the white wheels were totally unmarked.

But those fast old sports bikes are all a bit dodgy if you ask me. Even the little the RD350LC - 'the widowmaker'.

The first blades were pretty 'pointy' too.

Sometimes I just want a Bandit 1200 to chug about on tho. lol.

I've had the "pleasure" of riding an RD350LC which was tweaked with a race pipe and it scared the S**T out of me, it felt lighter than my push bike. The tyres weren't much fatter either.!!
I'd like a bandit 12 with the wide crosser bars and the projecter lights
Get one of them and next stop - wheelie school! he he

That reminds me. Got a new rear tyre for the gixer and the geezar who fitted it wanted to buy it off me. He said "yeah, that's the one. I'm gonna get one of them and go the the 'Ring' and do it!"

By "do it" he meant kill himself. What a nutter!
right, dont worry, im here to add my 'no-one need anything bigger than a 400' attitude, lol. but seriously, good on ya for getting the ceeber, and sometime ill give ya a race....on twisties of coursenc30

although i am looking at getting either a gsxr750, 1100 or a cbr 900(urban tiger ) but ill keep my vfr.

whats on july 1st?? is it the karting thing...if so, i might see ya there, as i think ive got me name down for helping to take pics.

oh, and gentle, done the ring in a mini, and looking to do it on me 400 this summer.
Nice - my ex-girlfriends family lives there. I've done many laps in a variety of machinery. I'm practically a ringmeister
Quote from v4forlife :oh, and gentle, done the ring in a mini, and looking to do it on me 400 this summer.

Make sure you mount a vid camera!!!!

I'm jeleous of you guys over there who can head to the ring. The best we have is "Tail of the Dragon". 318 turns in 11 miles or something. Would be great, but it's a public road, watched heavily by the police (35-45 mph limit), and for kicks, the dispatchers like to send the big rigs through there instead of around.

Some interesting pics if you'd want to try battling these guys on your motorcycle. Note - Don't forget, we drive on the right hand lane of the road over here.
you have got to get some video of the trucks on that stretch NH, that sounds so cool, lol.

and dont worry, im working on a set of race fairings to allow then to take an endurance headlight config and a lipstick cam built into the fairing, mounted behind perspex. then just hook up a cam and put it in my bag, and im well away. should be finished end of this year(slow process, plus im learning everything...fibreglassing(good quality, not just slapping it over a hole) a bit of welding to make strong brackets and electrics to wire it all up safetly, aswell as neaten up the wiring loom on me nc.
Quote from mrodgers :Make sure you mount a vid camera!!!!

I'm jeleous of you guys over there who can head to the ring. The best we have is "Tail of the Dragon". 318 turns in 11 miles or something. Would be great, but it's a public road, watched heavily by the police (35-45 mph limit), and for kicks, the dispatchers like to send the big rigs through there instead of around.

Some interesting pics if you'd want to try battling these guys on your motorcycle. Note - Don't forget, we drive on the right hand lane of the road over here.

Yeah we have a popular biker heaven up in the hills where I live. It is known as La Honda or Skyline. Basically, it is up in the woods on a long mountain top near the coast of California here. The turns are absolutely astonishing, and bikers love them. And police are rarely enforcing the entire section of road. Basically they are only at the crossroads area where they get donuts . But there is 4 ways to go from the crossing section. All are really fun, and even fast cars go up there and have some fun .

All I can recommend out there is, be safe on your bike. Some street bikes are dangerous machines . I'm going to buy a new motorcycle soon anyways, but I won't go crazy with what I get. For now, I got this badboy to ride on the street
Quote from mrodgers :

illepall Forcing others to drive right in the gutter like that is stupid and dangerous, im guessing it's caught a few tourists out atleast?

Nice moped btw tweak, what is it, a honda melody?

Coming up to silly season now fellas, time to watch out for the people with all the gear and no idea and stay as far away as possible from them.
Quote from mrodgers :Make sure you mount a vid camera!!!!

I'm jeleous of you guys over there who can head to the ring. The best we have is "Tail of the Dragon". 318 turns in 11 miles or something. Would be great, but it's a public road, watched heavily by the police (35-45 mph limit), and for kicks, the dispatchers like to send the big rigs through there instead of around.

Some interesting pics if you'd want to try battling these guys on your motorcycle. Note - Don't forget, we drive on the right hand lane of the road over here.

Jeez that is crazy, why on earth do those truckers use that road, surely there must be some straight alternative?
BTW thats the best looking roads ive seen in the US - biker heaven
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Nice moped btw tweak, what is it, a honda melody?

Yamaha Riva Jog 50cc... 1987 . But mine is yellow, so people see me and go "wow"!!!! (lol not really, they laugh ). But I'm not serious on the thing, it goes 40mph tops, and is pretty loud too. Just something fun to ride around on when I need to get around my neighborhood (goto stores or friends) instead of using my car (because of the cost of fuel).

Hey anyways. I think really soon I will go take lots of pictures of this biker heaven I have in my mountains. There is one section that looks like two fast sweeping corkcscrews, and you can basically see tons of other turns for about a 1/4 mile. Kind of silly that it is so twisty when they could've just paved the road straight... illepall But infact they just make it like a 'snake' and it is really fun with a motorcycle I'll take some pics soon, because it is a nice setting for a photo anyways.

There is another place that is EXCELLENT for photos, but it is way up in the mountains at high elevation. It basically looks like a place where a car company would go and take photos/video for an advertisement. It has freshly paved curvy roads, freshly painted yellow and white lines, and the turns are the best I have ever driven on. Called Sonora Pass @ 9,000 feet:

It usually is covered in snow up there in the winter. But in the other seasons, it is nice looking Wish I had pics of all the cool hairpins and stuff Now I really feel like getting a bike !!!! hheheh
Quote from Tweaker :Just something fun to ride around on when I need to get around my neighborhood (goto stores or friends) instead of using my car (because of the cost of fuel).

Cool Tweak! Maybe I should get one, you know, for those "need to run to the store" trips... Er, oh yea, forgot. My nearest store to run for a few things is 40+ miles away. Maybe I'll just keep the Nighthawk. It's alot more fun trying to drag a peg on that than it would on a little scooter, LOL.

Some day I'll try to figure out how to mount my vid camera (it's an old huge thing) on the bike to take some clips of my local roads. The mountains of Western Pennsylvania can be quite fun on a bike.
Quote from Gentlefoot :But those fast old sports bikes are all a bit dodgy if you ask me. Even the little the RD350LC - 'the widowmaker'.

I'd love to hear your comments on some 750cc 3cyl 2stroke bike i have in mind...
Wow, that thing looks like new!

Have fun with it..
(and tell us when you start thinking about that end can...sound is everything. At least in "my" part of the community)
Quote from george_tsiros :I'd love to hear your comments on some 750cc 3cyl 2stroke bike i have in mind...

Im guessing you mean the Kawasaki H2 750?

Heres one in drag trim.....

(L(Oo)ney) DELETED by L(Oo)ney
#48 - avih
Nice pics man, looks very good but drive it carefully hey? take some advanced riding courses if you can afford, they WILL improve your control of the bike.

And on the similar note, Today I'll hopefully close the deal on a supermoto bike (SM converted and VERY improved oldish XR650) which was owned for few years by the current Israeli SM champion . So now I'll have 2 bikes, the other is the VStrom DL650 which is cool for everything although I don't wanna trash it.. the plastics would cost too much.... so.. in order to put some good use to the XR money, I'll have to seriously use it for supermoto action.. yay

here's some supermoto action for your pleasure...

Brought a bike last night :)
(48 posts, started )