if you wanna make setup right..first you need right springs, after that you compromise with ATR and little bit od bump, rebump and front rear hight of car.
that is pure basic ..
first make pure basic right , after that, all is fine tunning that make it all work

oor, good,nice, gre8, perfect

if you made setup in the right way there isent need to correcnt setup during race. one can do it all..
if it doesent ,go back to basic..

im in lfs since beagining and in setups making long time..and after more than 5 yeras of lfs setup testing/making and rl car full setups making i lerand my basic.. so you can bealive me on what i say.
Once you read thousands of books on engineering the suspension, check it all in real car on the road and track, going full throttle , then you start fully appreciate the LFS
2 p.s thanks you Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey, and Victor van Vlaardingen
You made LFS better than you think it is
true fun since beginning
sry for my bad eng.;(