Wow some people in here are morons.
Back on topic, I agree with what pearcy said waay back in the OP.
LFS is great fun to play, and indeed I still play it now, although less and less mainly due to n00bs on public servers and lack of time to participate in too many leagues. We provide many Leagues and the popularity of these show that lots of others also think LFS is lots of fun, and enjoy the slightly more serious League environment. However, the lack of "progress" is a bad thing really.
LFS could, and for all intents and purposes should, be a truly superb simulator. It's got all the basics there - good physics, good range of base cars, good multiplayer system, online tracking, friendly community, lots of Leagues. However it's not quite there yet, and for it to survive and to become truly great the level needs to be stepped up. Improved tyre physics are coming, which is nice, but all the other bugs [red 'n' white barriers, various balancing issues, drafting, buggy walls] need to be fixed too. We also are going to have to get modding eventually, but if the basic physics are all there and modding is implemented properly, then LFS vs iRacing could be a never-ending battle of the sims. Potentially both could have really long shelf-lives.
People are only complaining because they love playing LFS and see the sim that it could become. They don't want everyone to leave and forget LFS, so that when/if the awesome-ness comes, they've no-one to share it with.
Is my post making it come any quicker? No.
Will the devs care about what I wrote? Probably not.
But let's face it, LFS is going to very sadly die unless we can conquer the rich bastards over at iRacing.