woundering the same thing.

I was hoping to see what my servers look like and how well they work today.

[OCC] Oklahoma County Cruise 1
[OCC] Oklahoma County Cruise 2

[OCC] is in now way shape or forum a team. Its this a Name for a Server and a Idea that I have plane to Post about in the near future.
Im having an issue with my master server i am trying to get them back up as soon as possible sorry about this.
its ok take your time it takes a while to work out the kinks in the system
not to be a bother but it seems the insim is down on [OCC] Oklahoma County Cruise 1 & 2 and I had sent a layout that we wanted on 2 that still not been added. I hope everything is going ok.
(Mustangman759) DELETED by Mustangman759
Quote from From the Webiste :Hi People,

Just letting you know [LS] Lightning Servers will be shutting down due to the cost of the hosting equipment and the lack of customers/purchases

We will offically shut in 1 month if you have bought a year server we will host it for as long as we possibly can and rufunds may be issued.


Aww, its ending....
Aaron I was about to buy a server for 12 months... but was waiting for you to be on before paying for it rofl...
[Ls] Lightning Servers < Host Not Found>

Can you make sure your insim is running before launching the new insim
Servers will be given away for free I have 5 available spots so the quickest people to get in will get them 1 server per person/team
[Ls] Lightning-Server now has TcAdmin CPanel Support