Here is the very first sketch, made in about 20 minutes. I know there are hundred of mistakes, wrong perspective and some other problems, but since it's just a sketch for research, nobody cares. The only thing I need to fix and improve it is time, and is better to use that time making another 10 pencil sketches. As for aesthetics, that's not important (not yet). Right know what we have to do is a "brain storm", to draw our ideas as soon as they come to our minds and as quick as possible. If you stop drawing for 2 seconds because you're thinking how to make the lights, your're wasting your time and creativity.
I need at least 100 sketches like this, as different as possible each to other, and then I'll make the decision of the design direction I'll take. Car design is not as simple as people think
BTW the car is supposed to be for 2025