Quote from G!NhO ::ices_rofl sounds like a facking moped LOL A vaccum cleaner is more like it. If you want this sound, drive a BF1....
There was one ages ago for the XRT, if no-ones posted it by tommorow night I'll upload it because I can't be bothered to do it now tbh.
Make a copy of BF1_default.eng, rename it to XRT_default.eng. Enjoy. Do same for whatever flavour of FZ you want. Not a joke. It sounds just like it.
Quote from robbielayton :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAGqJsKlJH8 can som1 make the sound for me For wich car, do you want the sound to? Only then i can help.
Here you go. WARNING VERY VERY VERRRYYYY LOUD! Doesn't sound right in game, but real life sounds sweet. BOTH XRT AND FZ5 Attached files 4Rotor.rar - 351.4 KB - 1473 views
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... B_3ec&feature=related can someone try to make this engine sound? (sounds real)
yeh that would be awsome, if someone could do one of mad mikes rx7 heres a good video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... lIYLs&feature=related
Quote from krazy_55 :yeh that would be awsome, if someone could do one of mad mikes rx7 heres a good video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... lIYLs&feature=related i think that one is made for FZ5 allready.. but not sure.. didnt find the file on my hdd.. :/