Having to take the life of your beloved pet is not an easy task, even if it's for the better for the pet, it's allways hard to take the final dessision about putting them to rest.
My cat when he was just a few months old.
God I miss how cute and small he was!
Everyday he was home waiting for you to arrive.
Once you put your key in the lock, he was standing next to the door!
Nowdays he got his own door and he's never inside, he's just out stealing cookies from the neighbours.
I can get pics once I see him.
Our family has 5 cats.....(My sister doesn't know how to say no to new cats, neither does my mom) We have 1 dog, I have a bearded dragon, My sister has some type of frogs and two hamsters...
5 minutes ago i found out my cat died :worried:
It got run over 5 days ago, and some people had kept the cat till now. So sad
It was the best cat ever lived, so huggy, it allways lied beside me at nigths.
My cat has been dead for just over 2 weeks now, and everytime I go downstairs, the first thing I still do is look at the couch she used to lay on. But now, there is nothing there
Let me continue. DON'T LET THIS THREAD DIE!
O.K. Here's the list:
3 cats, 1 turtle (around 16 years old), some fishies (did I spelled it right) in a small lake in backyard, around 100 racing pigeons, around 25 zebra finches (for now , there will be more). I think that would be all.