Logitech Formula Force EX Recurring Problem...
Just wondering if any FFEX owners out there are in the same boat as me. Basically, the problem I have is as follows:

I use the wheel for a couple of months, when the wheel section begins to come loose and wobble about. It gets to the point where it does it so much the steering inputs are output incorrectly and it feels absolutely horrid to use. I take it apart to find the 4 main screws that screw the actual wheel into the barrel have all wobbled loose. I loctite them up and re-tighten them, only for it to come loose again a few days later. Further dis-assembly of the wheel shows that the cylinder-holes in the barrel the 4 screws go into have all cracked / broken, meaning the screws can't tighten up. The first time this happened we managed to get Logitech to send us a new replacement, but now it's happened again on the replacement wheel.

I don't think I'm particuarly ham-fisted with it, and think it's just a stupid design fault. Anyone other owners out there who have had the same problem?

It's a good wheel for the money, but there are also a couple of other problems - the paddle buttons on the back of the wheel eventually worked intermittently, and the brake pedal snaps off. This brake pedal problem has been the same design as the pedals on the old FF GP I used to own. I would have thought, the EX being the new version, they would have fixed it. Obviously not.

Any input would be great.

Merry Christmas!

I can't really help, but I need to get my postcount higher..

The wheel getting loose after a time is quite normal. On my old FFEX I could put two pennies between the wheel's shaft and the base. My Momo is starting to do the same thing, but I can't say I'm gentle with my toys so it might just be my fault. Get a DFP, and magic! problems are gone away.
It works fine with me. not broblems with any buttons or pedals
I've never had any problems with mine. Recently I've managed to put a little crack on the throttle pedal but that's nothing major for a 2 year old pedals.

The wheel has become a little loose over the years but it steers like it should. The shifter buttons had their moments but not really noticed it lately.

Mine has had a lot of abuse aswell which I'm surprised at how well it's still holding together for a cheap and nasty wheel. It's only gotta survive a little longer 'til the G25 comes into my possession.
Quote from Minimaxman :Just wondering if any FFEX owners out there are in the same boat as me. Basically, the problem I have is as follows:

I use the wheel for a couple of months, when the wheel section begins to come loose and wobble about. It gets to the point where it does it so much the steering inputs are output incorrectly and it feels absolutely horrid to use. I take it apart to find the 4 main screws that screw the actual wheel into the barrel have all wobbled loose. I loctite them up and re-tighten them, only for it to come loose again a few days later. Further dis-assembly of the wheel shows that the cylinder-holes in the barrel the 4 screws go into have all cracked / broken, meaning the screws can't tighten up. The first time this happened we managed to get Logitech to send us a new replacement, but now it's happened again on the replacement wheel.

I don't think I'm particuarly ham-fisted with it, and think it's just a stupid design fault. Anyone other owners out there who have had the same problem?

It's a good wheel for the money, but there are also a couple of other problems - the paddle buttons on the back of the wheel eventually worked intermittently, and the brake pedal snaps off. This brake pedal problem has been the same design as the pedals on the old FF GP I used to own. I would have thought, the EX being the new version, they would have fixed it. Obviously not.

Any input would be great.

Merry Christmas!


It is happening the same on my new formula force ex. There was a very slight wobbly barely noticeable, i could only feel it in straights, but i have noticed it is getting worse, now i feel it every time i turn, it is really bad because now it is interfering on my driving. :sorry:
Never had problems with mine (although I took it apart etc.) Sounds like new versions of EX aren't built that good
i have problems whid my pedals, cant put them to gas and breake

but in other games it works fine!!!

please help!
Quote from K2snakas :i have problems whid my pedals, cant put them to gas and breake

but in other games it works fine!!!

please help!

Try to adjust your axis in settings , that is not too hard to set them properly.

I have different problem. My brother plays Lineage 2 (yeah , its crap) and he always turns off my wheel by pluging usb off. Its my time to play lfs and then BOOM! I plug usb on , wheel gets recognized and i loose all strenght. Very low power steering. Besides that , lfs develops only 32 or 64fps and no limits is set. In normal style there is like ~150fps when i drive alone , and ~50 when i drive in half full server.

I repair this like that : turn on ffb , then power steereing , then switch them by turning off ffb and turning on power steering. Some pedal to the medal brake and accel. and wheel is functioning well for some time , when my brother again turns wheel off. That calibrating gets anoying anytime i want to fully use this wheel. Any suggestions? (btw profiler is always off , just process is going in task manager. turning it off the problem is still the same for brother , camera still keeps turning by wheel turns on left or right. brake pedal gets character going back and etc. solution - unplug usb , but problems for me)
after a few months of not using it (before was fine) i have the next problem: in the first 10-15 degrees of rotation, each side, the wheel have a lack of reaction, after ~15 degrees it's ok, but i can't make smoth/small changes now very precise; tryed recalibration and nothing... don't play other games with the wheel so i can't compare
any idea of what's wrong ?
Quote from Flysnail :after a few months of not using it (before was fine) i have the next problem: in the first 10-15 degrees of rotation, each side, the wheel have a lack of reaction, after ~15 degrees it's ok, but i can't make smoth/small changes now very precise; tryed recalibration and nothing... don't play other games with the wheel so i can't compare
any idea of what's wrong ?

Open your wheel and you will see light red potentiometer. Of course firstly you need to remove pcb with main chip and else. Pour little bit oil into potentiometer , it will fix the problem