If you read the news, Toyota, and Lexus have problems with their new models with the brakes.
And an other brand, can't remember which one, has problem with their airbags, they blown to fast. Already killed 3 people and caused 11 other problems.
I posted this in the original and then the return thread, so why not this one too!
'Matt/admin....jpfuk' is the former owner of the fruit machine forum where i am a mod, 'danthebangerboy@googlemail.com' is obv me lol, and 'yo ho all together hoist the colours aye' is dom aka buddylove4000, another staff member on the same forum, and 'nice one chris tricked him again' is crazybar, yet another staff member from there, so it was pretty much like a staff meet up via MSN, but with hilarious consequences....
I won't [img] this as although the filesize is only 841kb, it is 800 pixels wide by 4725 pixels long, so i just darent.
What? He's talking about the airbags on some Honda models. Has nothing to do with brakes. The braking issue on the Prius and Lexus model is something amiss with the regenerative braking on bumpy roads.
Don't forget the Toyota Corolla (or was it Camry?) power steering issue, too. There's been 80-some-odd cases of it veering to either side above 40mph, apparently. This has been a shite month for the big two Japanese makes...
Funny enough, there's also a well known issue with other Toyota models that Toyota actually calls a feature!
My mother's Corolla (Diesel) for some reason doesn't slow down when you lift your foot off the throttle and also idles at about twice the usual RPM. It's quite dangerous since you constantly have to keep braking during slow traffic. It started to occur more and more the colder it got outside.
Toyota's response? The throttle is electronically regulated to increase throttle in colder temperatures and thus warm up the engine faster.