I modified the config file of your mod, changed left and right turn to respectly 7 and 8, but I use sequential shifter buttons of my G25 for turn signals. I'm running Windows XP
I still can't understand the point of it. Mkay,you assign lets say 7 to the left paddle,8 to the right. Then you run the script and then,when I turn,it should turn the lights off itself?
joystick ID
real degrees of your wheel (example: for G25 insert 900)
degree when turn off turn signals
run joy.exe and look at id joysticks.
if it need, change first line of config file insert id joystick what you want use
look at screen and do what wrote
So finally I had some time to test it a bit. It works pretty good, but there is one problem, looks like it doesn't work together with CSR for example..
Well, on my PC everything works just fine. To be precise, that's Vista Ultimate x32. I don't really get it why are you, guys, struggling with such a simple thing.
Anyway, the application is very useful and makes cruising even more pleasant, thanks a lot for your efforts, repeat83
add: Auidable indicators ! - Working only for turn signals left and right button joystick
Change turn.wav at your audio file. File in archive is example what it program working. You can delete turn.wav for silence
I was going to post the following in my previous post, but a sound of the turn signal turning off would be good. I have attached one I recorded from a North American van.
The file is in a .zip file, because the LFS Forums do not allow .wav files to be uploaded.