Something looks very off with the window. Anyhow, high poly meshes will no doubt result in better looking renders, but the LFS models aren't that bad - see attached.
Your windows looks a bit like a triangle or more have been offset from original position.
You need to tweak the geometry as iFastLT suggested - that window should be a smoothing only thing (not verticy related). Play with smoothing settings (not meshsmooth/subdivision surfaces, but Normal based smoothing). I have mine set to 44.5 degrees.
Well i did that welding with 0,10 treshold,if i go higher than it takes too much poly away i did a test animation with it, still very short anim,coz rendering could go on forever! just like my friend pantural (3ds max ppl should know him) would say: f.u.c.k. off rendering
anyway,anim 6 sec,250 frames,77.6 mb :X sorry vegas wont work for some reason,it crashes when i load. youtube version sux.
The verticies that are causing smoothing related problems are pretty much on top of eachother (on all cars IIRC), so you can get away with a very low threshold - it's good because then you avoid accidentally removing smaller details that you might overlook.
I was trying to fix my FZR windows and I was that all vertexes aren't alligned, they're flying away, so you need to weld them manually, applying smoothing groups won't help.
Because I'm sick past days so accidentaly I remembered that some time ago I've learnt modeling And today made Volk CE28N wheel. Tommorow will try to texturize it a bit more and assign correct and realistic looking materials, also I need to correct outter part of rim because it doesn't really look round aswell as other minor bugs. Anyways, render for now:
I'm just sick to such degree, from which you can stay at home and don't go to school :P
It is now
Good thing that I noticed that wheel was too flat so fixed it and here's small final render, after fixing it:
Download link:
Added center cap texture, just you need to crop it, because I made that whole texture for TE37.
And also if anyone is interested I can share my other wheel, BBS GT (I guess)