Yea, luckily the rail.. man? (lol, forgot the word for that) saw that something's going on, and slowed down... but either way, it could've been life threathening to that awesome guy..
WOW, that was close... Would be interesting to find out exactly why the car stopped right on top of the tracks - awfully suspicious location to break down...
If it had been intentional, the driver could have just stood on the brakes. You can even see the car rocking trying to get out. Maybe it stalled, and the starter was fubar'd. Well done to the guy pushing it off, he was kinda close to the tram too
Unless you're assuming the van driver was trying to go backwards, your post makes no sense. Human strenght in this case was complimentary to the car's engine strenght, which enpowers only the front wheels.
Dont know, i see it as suicide attempt. But i may be wrong, when looking at the video - is he tryng to get on the rails better or he tryes to move the car but it doesnt. Dont judge me pl0x - i mean, i dont know what im talking about but its like ... dont know.