The online racing simulator
Here is my spr
teamName: 7Karat #2
- {Jazzka, Jaakko Jokela)
Attached files
7Karat Jazzka.spr - 115.9 KB - 247 views
Angel Power Racing
teamName: Angel Power Racing
car: FXR
number: 26
- Fast Jarda, Jaroslav Dohnalík, Czech Republic
- GeppertR, Radovan Geppert, Czech Republic
- Flame CZE, Martin Kapal, Czech Republic
Attached files
Fast Jarda.spr - 96.6 KB - 219 views
GeppertR.spr - 93.2 KB - 226 views
Flame CZE.spr - 114.2 KB - 245 views
teamName: White Tiger Express Motorsports
car: XRR
number: 33
- {GreyBull [CHA], Yann Laprevotte, France}
- {Deutschland2007, Dominik Engel, Germany}
#31 - troy
Quote from troy :teamName: Concept LRF
car: FZ5
number: 23
- {bean0, S. Baker, GBR}
- {eimer_, C. Schrooten, GER}
- {Fuse5, J. Kursk, EST}
- {troy, K. Leu, CHE}

lineup finalized, hotlaps uploaded.
Looks good. 18 and a possible 20 cars on grid is ok. I´ll send all participating drivers a PM this evening with all info needed.
Quote from Deutschland2007 :teamName: White Tiger Express Motorsports
car: XRR
number: 33
- {GreyBull [CHA], Yann Laprevotte, France}
- {Deutschland2007, Dominik Engel, Germany}

Withdrawing, sorry.
Just as a reminder to all teams, the GTS Motorsport cars are distinguished by the different color accents,

Team #19 - RED Sunstrip / Kanards
Team #21 - BLUE Sunstrip / Kanards

See you on the track, good luck.
The tracker seems to have a problem. The second team of GTS Motorsport isn`t showing up (Team #21). Hope this gets fixed soon.
Working on it. Tks.
Our´s too 7karat 2 and 3
For all backmarker cars, please respect the blue flag.... stop blocking and give way to the faster cars.... especially 7karat guys
I´d just like to say thank you to all drivers and admins who are in this event. it´s been great driving so far from what i could see.
if i had to pick anyone to complain about, it would be Razvan Radu, hitting me straight on, about one hour after the start, me being in lap 22. of course i didn´t save the replay but i heared he´s known to drive a bit rought, so it probably won´t change until the actual 24hours race

GTRs, please keep in mind that those FZ50´s are like driving on ice compaired to yours, so we really cannot do much else then this "outside - inside - outside" thing in turns. it´s also scary when you´re right up our asses, comming up to braking zones. you might not need your brakes at all, where we actually do, so please try not to hit us

again thanks to all! this would be impossible without admins, and no fun at all without other cars. So i hope you enjoy this today like i did, and i´m looking forward to see you all again in a week
Yes it was my mistake, im sorry for it, because of lag, i had the impresion you were going to go to the left and make room, so i floored it and went for the right... but it wasnt the case, lfs placed you back on my racing line, and i had nothing to do

Once again my apologies for that.
I really have to wonder about 2 teams here who think this is a different race then other endu races.

No, you can´t join the server 3-4 laps before the actual driver change and second issue, no it´s not ok to stay on the server after you have passed your car to your teammate. Involved teams I´m sure about will change this misbehavior from now on. Thanks.

Otherwise, good and clean race. Well done.

Well, unfortunatelly, GTS 2 had a disconnect
Anyways, all the best for CR guys, maximum fair play!
ty for this race
and ty on TDRT
Hey dudes :P !

So, what to say?
After the race is before the race..
For us this very cool 6h-event was a test-race for next weekend's DoP final round and this job was done very well in this race!
We now know our mistakes on long stints, especially in shifting down the gears - we totally ruined our engine over the race xD
We will work on our driving style within the next week and want to excuse for eventually happened errors by our side.

And finally we have to say sorry for the slow UFR :P

best regards

Marco "looka" Schnieders - SNOGARD.Dragons Team-Captain
The unofficial race results just after the race. See attached file.
Attached images
Sorry, Tiger Express and White Tiger Express Motorsports couldn't attend to the race due to unforseen events. We would like to apologise for the incovenience, and hope to be able to race with you guys very soon
Np, Yann.

Stats of the race:

Short resumé from me:
Very fair race once more. Thanks to all for this.
Easy to admin race for TDRT, incl. changing server just before the race.
Livestream.. we still don´t know what happened.
Tracker: Thanks to Commandermas, worked out very well once more.
DoP participating teams got a good test, we feel.

Race for our car:
TDRT #43 with short stints as a test today. Didn´t work out. Worse: PC troubles (5 FPS) a couple of times here at my place, causing a few accidents.Set was a test set as well, all in all we are fine with a position in the middle. Will do better next weekend.

Gratz to the podium. Snogard and GTS FZR´s very fast but our TDRT #1 FXR on a very good 3rd saving the day.