Ha sido anunciado nuestro primer Torneo Internacional: Turbo Dreams.
Todos los pilotos internacionales son Bienvenidos !
Imortante que este es un torneo S1 (usuarios S1 y S2 pueden participar)
Consta de los 3 autos Turbo de LFS que son:
XRT: Traccion Trasera
RB4: 4wd
FXO: Traccion Delantera
El Auto FXO correrá todo el torneo con 3% de restriccion de admision
Las pistas y fechas son:
1) Fern Bay Club INV - Martes 2 de Marzo
2) Fern Bay Green INV - Martes 9 de Marzo
3) South City Town Course INV - Marte 16 de Marzo
4) South City Chicane Route - Martes 23 de Marzo
5) Etapa Super Especial - Martes 30 de Marzo
La hora es: 8:00 pm Hora Costa Rica
GMT -6 para pilotos Internacionales, para ver su horario local consulte aqui
El server esta configurado y listo para su uso:
LFS Costa Rica (S1) con colores: LFS Costa Rica (S1)
Para ver el lapper y tiempos aqui
* Inscripciones para el torneo AQUI
* Inscripciones de autos AQUI
Mas info del torneo en nuestro foro aqui
LFS Remote activado para el torneo
El uso del skin es libre *
Pd: aplican restricciones *
PD: pronto las reglas del torneo
It was announced our first international tournament: Turbo Dreams.
All international pilots are welcome!
It is a S1 Tournament (S2 users can participate)
Consists of the 3 turbo cars of LFS:
RB4: 4wd
The FXO will run the tournament with 3% of restrictions on admission
Tracks and dates are:
1) Fern Bay Club INV - Tuesday, March 2
2) Fern Bay Green INV - Tuesday, March 9
3) South City Town Course INV - Tuesday, March 16
4) South City Chicane Route - Tuesday 23 March
5) Super Special Stage - Tuesday, 30 March
The time: 8:00 pm ET Costa Rica
GMT -6 for international pilots to see their local time see aqui
The server is configured and ready for use:
LFS Costa Rica (S1) with colors: LFS Costa Rica (S1)
To see the Lapper and times aqui
* Registration for the tournament AQUI
* Car Registration AQUI
More info about this tournament on our forum aqui
LFS Remote activated for the tournament
Its Skin free to use
PD: The rules soon in our forum http://www.lfscr.com/f/
Regards From Costa Rica