(13 posts, started )
the last car:bmw sauber, is great, as all the last improvements to the game, but, in my opinion, the first thing to do is a "replay with the re-wind"...i'm in a championship and watch the replays ,searching the fault for an accident, is terrible without the re-wind
#2 - Jakg
#4 - Jakg
oh, sorry, i thought you meant "Wind" not rewind!

aparently it is complecated due to the physics being calculated real time in the replay, but it has been suggested before, and would be very useful
#5 - AdamW
This is tricky because LFS replays aren't like videotape - they're just recordings of all the control inputs you made, together with other necessary stuff (track, conditions, car, setup etc). The game runs the inputs through the game engine in real time to recreate what happened: it's not just dumbly playing back a video file. Therefore rewinding would mean running the game engine in reverse, which it's probably not been coded to do...
Quote from AdamW : Therefore rewinding would mean running the game engine in reverse, which it's probably not been coded to do...

uhmm, possibility forever to have a replay like GPL,NR2003 or RF...
How about encoding a *.wmv/avi/whatever converter into LFS? Having the option of converting a portion of a replay into a video file would be cool.
Of couse I have no idea how difficult this would be ...
Quote from Hankstar :How about encoding a *.wmv/avi/whatever converter into LFS? Having the option of converting a portion of a replay into a video file would be cool.
Of couse I have no idea how difficult this would be ...

good idea...
...and here is another problem, no possibility to save a portion of replay so, when i have to watch at a portion of replay in the last part of the race and the race is long....argh:Eyecrazy: .every time i have to restart the replay from the beginning :mad:
Yep, I don't think any of us like having to keep a whole replay when all we want is one lap (or just a few seconds), or having to fast-forward through the damn thing only to miss the bit we were after.

F3 F3 F3...ok, here it comes! F2 F2 F2 -BLAST! Missed it! Again! I don't care anymore, I'm going to play Phosphor. Die bots die!!!
Does anyone know how replays in the Papyrus sims work? They have the best replay controls of any sim out there. Play, pause, rewind, fast forward, frame advance and reverse, and the ability to cut just a portion of the replay. Even if this requires much more space, I think these type of controls would be worth it.
Papy's replays hold themselves in the RAM I believe. You are limited on file size by the amount of RAM you have installed. I know it took forever to save a replay of about 30-50 laps on my old computer as this would be quite a large file to save. I'll have to take a look. The way LFS is, it is very easy to have the entire race saved in a matter of seconds rather than several minutes. It would be a difference of 3 or 4 mb file to a 50-100 mb file. I have over 1000 replays now with all the LFS versions. I wouldn't look forward to having 50 gigabytes of replays stored.
Idea - time marker, restart & forward to
I just had an idea for what I think would be a great compromise in the rewind request.

Have a function to SET TIME MARKER, e.g. THIS is where I want my replay to start from next time I watch it. E.g., the interesting stuff I wanted to review on lap 32 starts in just a few moments, so I'm going to use this point in time as a basis for checking my replays.

Then have a REWIND/RESET TO MARKER function that fully restarts the replay and calculates itself forward to the marker at highest possible speed; I'm sure noone would care too greatly if it looked exactly like what we have now on 32x.

Once position is found, goes into pause or the slowest playback setting for the user to speed up by clicking F3.

(13 posts, started )