The online racing simulator
Quote from Krayy :Just take your old PB.txt file and copy it into the new Lapper/bin/<instance> directory (usually Lapper/bin/default) and rename it to match the database name entries in your Lapper.lpr file with ".txt" on the end. So if your lkapper file has:

$DriftDatabase "./DriftPB";

Then rename the PB.txt file to "GripPB.txt", and your drift.txt file to "DriftPB.txt".

After you have done that, remove any *dbs files in your Lapper instance directory and restart lapper.

Hi, thanks for help. But I have a problem:
error log file says
2/11/2010 10:51:13 PM
Lapper Instance abort!
SQL logic error or missing database
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pInifile, String pSuperUsers) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:line 251
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.goWorkMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 82
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.start() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 126
Void .ctor(System.String, Int32, System.String, System.String, System.String)
Closing Instance...

message log says
Connection OK
2/11/2010 10:51:11 PM -> Product:S2 Version:0.5Z28 InSim Version:4
2/11/2010 10:51:11 PM -> Dbs not exist, Creation of : ./default/./GripPB.dbs
2/11/2010 10:51:12 PM -> Import old PB file ./default/./GripPB.txt...
2/11/2010 10:51:12 PM -> New $LapTimeUsedForPb, update DBS ...

and in the folder I have a file named GripPB.dbs-journal

another problem: why it starts always with FBM? Where can I set it?

ok im working on my new report sys i have the submit file working from web browser but i cant get it to work here

"" $report["User"] . "&time=" GetLapperVar("ShortDate") . " - " GetLapperVar("LongTime") . "&user=" $userName "&what=" $report["Reason"] );

could anyone please explain me normally how to enable drift points ?
i just downloaded the current release, nothing else :/

i have read the forums and all i can say that i dont have any PB.txt or DRIFT.txt files
do i need to download any additional stuff to the lfslapper ?

I had an idea for a Cruse server and was trying to make an add-on for Lapper where an admin could remotely fine or spec someone who overstayed their welcome in a parking space.

I set up 7 parking spaces at Blackwood (BL1 layout attached) just after the pit exit.

Then I set up a 'Parking Space Control Panel' so that the admin could, by clicking the appropriate button, either fine or spec player who was in any of the particular spaces.

(I only set up couple of RegisterZoneAction's to see if code worked).

However, I can't seem to get it to work.

I'm not sure if I'm just doing something stupid, something that just can't be done, have a loop that lapper can't resolve, or what.

Anyone willing to take a look and tell me where I'm going wrong?

Code for public release.
Attached images
LFS Parking Control.PNG
Attached files
BL1_Parking.lyt - 284 B - 395 views
parking.rar - 1.8 KB - 275 views
Quote from sinanju :Hi

I had an idea for a Cruse server and was trying to make an add-on for Lapper where an admin could remotely fine or spec someone who overstayed their welcome in a parking space.

I set up 7 parking spaces at Blackwood (BL1 layout attached) just after the pit exit.

Then I set up a 'Parking Space Control Panel' so that the admin could, by clicking the appropriate button, either fine or spec player who was in any of the particular spaces.

(I only set up couple of RegisterZoneAction's to see if code worked).

However, I can't seem to get it to work.

I'm not sure if I'm just doing something stupid, something that just can't be done, have a loop that lapper can't resolve, or what.

Anyone willing to take a look and tell me where I'm going wrong?

Code for public release.

you have alot of pointless commands... i will fix it for u after i get ur bug solved

also where and the heck is the Parking panel i cant find it anywhere :S
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :you have alot of pointless commands... i will fix it for u after i get ur bug solved

also where and the heck is the Parking panel i cant find it anywhere :S

Sorry - really stupid of me, but zipped and loaded wrong add-on!

Quote from sinanju :Sorry - really stupid of me, but zipped and loaded wrong add-on!


ok i still fix it

WOW u have alot of extra code u could make that code about half the size...

Found your problem tho... but u still have 1 bug which im working on now u had "idZone" not "IdZone"
Attached files - 6.7 KB - 350 views
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :u had "idZone" not "IdZone"

Extract from Gai's changes.txt file:

Quote :CASE "!buyfood":
IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "idZone") == "MyZone" ) THEN

Quote from sinanju :Extract from Gai's changes.txt file:

well i changed it and it worked... anyways... does it work?
i have a lil problem with a code
the code must create a new file every day on 0.00 AM

and every user what that day joined the server will stored in that fine what is created @ 0.00AM

the problem is : it doesnt create a file.
see the code below.

Directory: C:\Users\Danny\Documents\Games\Playgames\Live For Speed\Lapper 5.925\bin\default\User\Connect

Event OnLapperStart()
RegisterScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * * *", SA_Connect);

Sub SA_Connect()
$Date = GetLapperVar("LongDate");
MoveUserToGroup( "Connect" . $Date, "" );
UserGroupToFile( "Connect" . $Date, "User/Connect/" . $Date . ".txt" );

Event OnConnect( $userName ) # Player event
$Date = GetLapperVar("LongTime");
MoveUserToGroup( "Connect" . $Date, $userName );
UserGroupToFile( "Connect" . $Date, "User/Connect/" . $Date . ".txt" );

Sorry, doesn't.

Parked in Parking Space 1 (checked I was in correct zone), and tried both FINE and SPEC, but nothing happened and no messages.

No errors in the log file.

Tried it in both version 5.923 and 5.925, and same results (none) in both.

As an aside, can I set a number of RegisterZoneAction's for the same idzone?

RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -24,324, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -24,325, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -24,326, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -25,324, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -25,325, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -25,326, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -26,324, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -26,325, 3 , "","" );
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -26,326, 3 , "","" );

Just that even for a parking space, the zone is such a small area.

Bit of a pain though, recording all the possible zones in the one parking area.
Quote from sinanju :
RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -24,324, 3 , "","" );

RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -24,324, 3 , "","" ); #3 = how big the area is i use 5 for most of mine
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :RegisterZoneAction( "Space1" , "BL1" , -24,324, 3 , "","" ); #3 = how big the area is i use 5 for most of mine

Well, well, well.
I always thought that was some sort of time function, not size!

Thanks for that.
Quote from sinanju :Well, well, well.
I always thought that was some sort of time function, not size!

Thanks for that.

not that i know of... it might be but it works as size for me O.o
Quote from Bass-Driver :hi
i have a lil problem with a code ...

"User/Connect/" . $Date . ".txt" );


Saving to files isn't a facility I use, but it's not something silly like

"/User/Connect/" or "./User/Connect/" ?
Oh its fixed already
i didnt do nothing but its fixed
thx for helping xd
how do you clear a group/file?
is there something like:

Admin in the server ON DUTY
Admin Not in the server OFF DUTY

example code:
CASE "!showadmin":
FOREACH( $maVar IN GetListOfPlayers( ))
IF( UserInGroup( "UserAdmin",$maVar["value"] ) == 1 )
$Duty = ("^2 On Duty");
$Duty = ("^1 Off Duty");
FOR ($i=0;$i<=100;$i=$i+1)
$ListOfUsers = GetListOfUsersGroup(UserAdmin);
IF($ListOfUsers[$i] != "" )
privMsg( "^3» ^7Current Admins:");
privMsg( "^3» ^7" . $i . " - " . $ListOfUsers[$i] ." ".$Duty);

Don't you need an ENDFOREACH in your sample code?

Quote :+-------------------------------+
|Changes from v5.850 to 5.851 |
1. Add new struct control in GLSCRIPT
FOREACH( var IN arrayVar )

oh lol
i had that but didnt copy that in here LOL
Quote from Tim NL :Hi,
In the reference file its ClearGroup().

ye i tried that but it did not work :S
thank you, got my drift system working, but when i finish my drift track, the system says (XRT Rank -/-) how to make it show ?
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :ok im working on my new report sys i have the submit file working from web browser but i cant get it to work here

"" $report["User"] . "&time=" GetLapperVar("ShortDate") . " - " GetLapperVar("LongTime") . "&user=" $userName "&what=" $report["Reason"] );

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