The online racing simulator
LFS Lapper Script (import .ELP PBs and Drift Score in a mysql DB)
for a friend (Lysergic) i'm working to a script like this one, that i did for Airio Lapper:

The script work in this way:
- one script (script.php) if launched import all PBs in a mysql db;
- you can show the result in a web page, exactly like the airio script.

This script work with .ELP files.

To complete my work and share it, i need of a big .ELP file, to make some test.

For now, i'm here:

Another possible usage use this one: ... ;orderby=times&usern=

Update List:
First Release (1.0.1) - 24/02/2010
Attached files - 162.4 KB - 513 views - 28.4 KB - 646 views
Big is relative of course but here's my ELP file, hope it is of any use to you.
Attached files - 156.5 KB - 359 views
Thanks mate, is sufficient big !
I've imported it, it works, u can check if u want.
I've attached on first post the script, if someone want to test it to return some feed back ....
Hmm really simple script, but works good, keep it up =)
Yupz, really nice!

Here is our ELP. Not really big, but might help.
Attached files - 29.9 KB - 746 views
Cool! Is this still the beta or did you already finished it? If it's the beta, when do you think it will be done?

Really nice work, I will use it on my team-website
I need some "beta"-tester, like you.
If after some weeks there not will be problems, i think that this beta version will became first official version.
Quote from michele0676 :I need some "beta"-tester, like you.
If after some weeks there not will be problems, i think that this beta version will became first official version.

is there a way u could make something for the .dbs?
Can u attack one .dbs file please ?
Attack or attach?
-attacks dbs file-
Need some help

I just have been trying to make your lfslapperscript working, but I really have no experience with MySQL and PHPMyAdmin. I've seen your readme and mysql instructions files.. but still I can't get it, mainly because PHPMyAdmin there are much more values you can fill in.

So, could you help me with this please?
I attached some screenshots of PHPMyAdmin, and I'm sure it's not correct what I typed in it.. but hope you can tell me what to do.

Btw, I allready edited the config.php file for my database.
Link to the test website:

Thanks in advance!

Attached images
No need to make a new table. Click on (first one next to 'Structure') SQL and copy the code in mysql_instructions.txt to that page and click on Start
Quote from emit-nl :Hi,

I just have been trying to make your lfslapperscript working, but I really have no experience with MySQL and PHPMyAdmin. I've seen your readme and mysql instructions files.. but still I can't get it, mainly because PHPMyAdmin there are much more values you can fill in.

So, could you help me with this please?
I attached some screenshots of PHPMyAdmin, and I'm sure it's not correct what I typed in it.. but hope you can tell me what to do.

Btw, I allready edited the config.php file for my database.
Link to the test website:

Thanks in advance!


Select SQL task in the top then paste the contents of mysql_instrunction.txt e run it.
Quote from michele0676 :I cannot see the attachs.


btw all the stuff is in the fi_user_value table
Attached files - 681.2 KB - 311 views
Hi Michele!

I saw Your work and i think it is good and useful. Can You tell me something about your future plans with this project? I'm asking this because i'm a member of a racing league where the population of the races were around 20-25. Now, we running out of the maximum grid size (32). So we running on two servers, but we need some prequalification system. I wonder, if You thinking about some expansion of Your current software?

I think that the current state of Your project would be a good base for implementing a prequalification system. I don't want to start my own project when there is something already implemented by You.

So, if You are interested:
- I can give You the specification of the prequal system requirements.
- I can help You with my PHP skills (about 5 years of experience).
- We can test Your work in an active LFS racing league.

Thanks for reading, please reply.

Thanks for helping me guys, after all it was really easy to do!

But I still have some questions.

1.Is it possible to add more .elp files to the config.php?
I'm asking this because the data of my demo-server is in another database than the data of my race #1 and #2 servers. In the lfslapperscript I would like to show them both.
So what I'm asking is, is it possible to do something like this?
$file1 = "race.elp";
$file2 = "demo.elp";
If this isn't possible I will just make 2 lfslapperscripts on my website.

2.In the readme.txt, i have read the following: "After that the script was runned from LFS Lapper (or from u, simple calling the file "script.php") u can see the result calling the file "index.html".".

In my server LFSLapper will upload the database files automaticly to my webhost. But then the lfslapperscript doesn't update itself, or does it? In the readme you say, after the script was runned from lfslapper. Does this mean LFSLapper can update the lfslapperscript?
*BTW, i think i already found a solution for me, see attached file. It's a picture of a task scheduler of my webhost. Do you think this will work?*
I think it would be nice to make a little message on the page that will tell you when the database was updated for the last time.

3.Would it be possible to make a drift version of this script? I think it would be nice to have a lfslapperscript for driftservers where you can't see sector and laptimes, but where you can see the driftscore. Maybe it would be possible to use drift.html and driftconfig.php for this?
What do you think of this feature?

Also, if you want to, i think i can make the lfslapperscript xhtml1.0 strict and make a .css stylesheet so everyone can edit it to their own style. This would be nice for website implementations of the script.

Thanks for the help and the script till now, it's great!


BTW, the lfslapperscript is now online at
Attached images
Quote from Gai-Luron :wadallat take a look here:

if you are a PHP coder, very good for you to continue this application. it's already very complete


Wow! I checked the ORT page. Thats really a full system!
I will set up a test system soon. Do You have any more info on GCOMP, that might be useful? Known bugs, feature requests, etc.

Yes it's a full operational system, very automated

No known bug,
Feature request:
result for qualification ( no only pole ) give points ( easy to do ) with that you have. Only add a new bareme and attrib points on qualification validation

CAUTION : I don't dev anymore this application. no update in the future

First: many thanks to Michele, he did a good work very fast.
Second: I gave him directions to the features, lfslapperscript meets my needs, so if something is missing is my fault ...

Quote from emit-nl :Hi,

2.In the readme.txt, i have read the following: "After that the script was runned from LFS Lapper (or from u, simple calling the file "script.php") u can see the result calling the file "index.html".".

In my server LFSLapper will upload the database files automaticly to my webhost. But then the lfslapperscript doesn't update itself, or does it? In the readme you say, after the script was runned from lfslapper. Does this mean LFSLapper can update the lfslapperscript?
*BTW, i think i already found a solution for me, see attached file. It's a picture of a task scheduler of my webhost. Do you think this will work?*
I think it would be nice to make a little message on the page that will tell you when the database was updated for the last time.

If i remember well you can schedule a call to your script.php file from lfslapper

My version of the script:
Drift version!

I just finished my drift version of the LFSLapperScript!
It can be seen on, complete with drift database of the $!N - Drift server.

I made it because I run a driftserver too, and I thought it would be nice if you can see the driftstats on the website aswell as the racestats.

What I've done:
  • I made 2 folders inside the LFSLapperScript. Race and Drift.
  • Edited the 'mysql instructions.txt'. For the racescript I changed 'lfslappertable' in 'racetable' and for the driftscript I called the table 'drifttable'.
  • Edited the config.php, menu.php, page.php, page2.php and script.php to work with the 'racetable' and 'drifttable' and made the script usable for driftPB.elp files.
I think that's all I've done.. I hope you like it!
If you give permission, I will attach it to this post, so you can release it.


EDIT: I attached the lfslapperscript with drift function to this post, so michele0676 can now make some last changes before he releases it. Hope you like it!
Biggest changes in new version:
  • Added a drift function to the script
  • Removed lfslappertable and replaced it with racetable and drifttable
Attached files
NOTOFFICIAL_LFSLapperScript_v1.1.rar - 28.9 KB - 357 views
sure u can