I'm a Brit and a Permanent Resident in the US. I too would rather live in the US than anywhere else. That doesn't mean I have to be blind or consume and regurgitate rhetoric. Fortunately, I'm still afforded that right to refrain in both countries I have a foot in, although it's being seriously diminished in the UK at the moment.
You might as well not talk about a subject you know little about. If you did you would realize the electoral college has a very important part in deciding the President and a overall popularity vote would not work.
In the UK only a very small percentage of police are armed and gun crime, although on the rise, is nothing compared to what it is in the US. Few criminals are armed in the UK and most polls show the public here do not want armed police.
I've never seen or been affected by an armed crime can many Americans honestly say that?
You make so many ridiculous statements that it would probably be a waste of time to list them all. Such as "American force may have been a necessary evil", since when is being strong considered evil? Saying people wouldn't be remembered if they didn't die at the hand of terrorists? By nature you can never negotiate with terrorists, because you will only encourage them to do more.
"I've never seen or been affected by an armed crime can many Americans honestly say that?"
If you mean in person, then yes, they can.
I cannot help you. You have to make the leap for yourself. I can encourage you by saying things like "STFU", of course. Your ignorance of ME is just one tiny example of your collossal ignorance in general. Fortunately, I have enough close American friends to know that your attitude is NOT typical of "Americans". Unfortunately, for those that DON'T know typical Americans or their socio-political position, you are presenting a very twisted representation. I will assert that you are NOT representative of MOST Americans, for the benefit of anyone else listening.
Yep but it's just an example of how Hollywood can re write the history book
Here's the big problem in the UK you can oppose the government and still be perfectly patriotic and not considered anti-British. Likewise you can live in the UK and not be particuarly patriotic without being labeled anti-British.
IMHO, days like Memorial Day are for remembering the suffering that was brought about by fights that shouldn't have been started. Fights about silly things like "My country is better than yours".
He's not calling US soldiers evil, he's calling the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in the middle east who had nothing to do with the attack on the world trade centre "an evil". It's difficult to disagree with.
I have to say, I still don't understand how this whole vague "terrorism" excuse is still working on the general population. I suppose people in general are actually more stupid than I imagined (which is quite surprising!).
I'd rather not have to carry biometric ID, or bomb innocent people in the middle east, or hold foreign prisoners in detention centres indefinitely, or send foreign prisoners to places like Libya to be tortured, and if I have to run the infinitessimally small risk of being killed by a terrorist one day in order to have all those benefits then I will gladly take it.
A bunch of ignorant people start bashing the US for no reason and I refute their positions- this makes me ignorant? You can't say jack about the electoral college because you don't know jack about it... so you change the subject. I don't need to know anything about you personally to know that.
This is definitely an issue that's come strongly to light in the US since 9/11, but I think the vast majority of Americans do successfully separate "patriotic" and "American", and their antonyms. Not all, though, as you can see
That's the point had the US not started there war on terror (anything they don't like) then there may have been a few thousand dead Americans in the worst case. Having started the war tens of thousands have died who had no intention of blowing America up, I suppose it doesn't matter seeing as they're not American.
It's only in the last 5 years that America has been attacked on home soil (except Pearl Harbour) and it seems the US really did not know how to deal with it. We're much more used to terrorist attacks and do not traditionally start wars to solve the issues. Instead we used to try (and sometimes fail) to reduce the tensions. 5 years ago the world was pretty stable now a few men with knives in 4 planes have left it in a mess to say the least don't you see that you've let the terrorists win?
Wow SamH
So you agree with "thisnamistaken" on that issue, but cannot say why.
Then when I call you out on it- you can do nothing but throw insults.. and call me ignorant. Have you read up on it in the meantime?
Just another example of how people automatically go along with all the America bashing, but then have nothing to back it up with but meaningless personal insults.
The electoral college votes for the president.. but that is unfair to you, but you have no idea why? -good reason to call me ignorant.