Tuesday, times are eastern time and those are the channels down here. Don't know what you guys have as far as channels.
Gonna check out USA when I get home from work, but I'm more interested in watching Canada and Russia games. I can handle Can v Nor 8-10 but can't do the Russia v Latvia until 2:30 and still get up at 5 for work. I only stay up when the Pens are playing Washington in one of their marathon playoff overtimes, which I've stayed up all night for quite a few in the past so I could get ready and go to work half hour or an hour after the game ended.
2/16/10 3-6:00pm USA USA v. Switzerland
2/16/10 8-10:00pm CNBC Canada v Norway
2/17/10 12:30-2:30AM CNBC Russia v. Latvia
2/17/10 3-5:00pm MSNBC Finland v. Belarus
2/17/10 8-10:00pm CNBC Sweden v. Germany
2/18/10 12:30-2:30am CNBC Czech v. Slovakia
2/18/10 3-5:00PM USA USA v. Finland
2/18/10 8-10:00pm CNBC Canada v. Norway
2/19/10 12:30-2:30am CNBC Russia v. Slovakia
2/19/10 3-5:00pm MSNBC Sweden v. Belarus
2/19/10 8-10:00pm CNBC Czech v. Latvia
2/20/10 12-3:00am MSNBC Finland v. Germany
2/20/10 3-5:00pm MSNBC Norway v. Swtzerland
2/20/10 7:30-10:00PM MSNBC Slovakia v. Latvia
2/21/10 12-3:00am MSNBC Belarus v. Germany
2/21/10 3-5:00pm NBC Czech v. Russia
2/21/10 7-10:00pm MSNBC Candan v. USA
2/22/10 12-3:00am MSNBC Sweden v. Finland