Poll : Select one ~

6 - 10cm / 2.4 - 3.9 inch
10 - 15 cm / 3.9 - 5.9 inch
3 - 6cm / 1.2 - 2.4 inch
3cm / 1.2 inch or lower
40 cm / 15.7 inch or higher
15 - 25 cm / 5.9 - 9.8 inch
25 - 40 cm / 9.8 - 15.7 inch
( For mouse players ) How fast does your "steering wheel" turn ?
This poll is about steering sensitivity.

Steer to one end ( left/right maximum angle ) and move your mouse slowly till your steering input gets to the other end. How long have your mouse traveled ?

Another question : do you use "mouse acceleration" ?
This depends entirely on the mouse sensitivity and whether mouse acceleration is turned on, so what's the point of this thread?

E: Oh you added a poll, ignore my post.
not much of a mouser but less than 1cm
#5 - Nilex
Approx 10 cm, with Enhance pointer precision ON (acceleration in XP). I've just tried it with OFF and it cuts the mouse travel by half (to 5 cm); it also seems more responsive and precise, but... sux on desktop and I cba control paneling everytime...
Hey yow, Scawen, maybe add a mouse accel. on/off option?
acceleration: high
way by slow moving: more than 40 cm
way by fast moving: 5cm
Using mouse XY-Setup
I use a virtual Joystick PPJoy for this, but in lfs u dont need it, because mouse axes are available in axes-FF, this mean: Mouse can be used as a wheel with throttle and brake in lfs.

See also:
Mouse-Steering - Some Suggestions
11,5cm here
10cm max
Quote from Keling :End to end in less than 1cm ?!!

of course
probably gonna be less when i finally bring myself to ordering that new 5600dpi mouse
#10 - VoiD
I have no idea...

Logitech MX518 for computing
Logitech DFP for racing

voted for 40cm... seems to fit it
Approximately 9cm.

Can do it in about 15mm with a fast movement.
#12 - STF
18 mm (<2 cm).
5 centimeter with pointer precision on