well... as a customer who could be interested in the service I can not tell that your website was very helpfull
both as a web professional and customer I would expect from the website to answer questions like:
- how many slots are these LFS servers?
- what are these InSim options (race/drift/cruise?)
- the prices for InSim are for what period?
- where are the servers located?
- where is your comapny located, who am I paying to?
- can I check the service on any LFS server hosted by your company?
- how does the server set-up work look like? what kind off access do I get to configure and run it?
- what about the replays?
- what about Airo?
propablly more experienced LFS admins could create a more complete list, but that is what I'd like to know before we choose a company to host our first team server
your pricing looks very interesting, but it could be hard for you to sell anything if people like me have no idea what they are paying for, and I'm really looking forward to get some answers