logitekg25, a great point about karting is the low low costs compared to other competitive motorsports. Karting being a real competitive sport and perhaps ALOT.. no.. a sh*t load more competitive than most motorsports, the low cost factor is great.
But you have to realise something mate, eventually you will realise that you wont be able to keep cutting costs. Sure, cutting costs on gear, spares, 2nd had parts etc is good and all, but if you want your 'racing career' to progress, your going to have to keep putting money into what they call 'a black hole'.
You may not like it, but thats the reality. Understand that you need a good satisfying budget.
I thought i could continue cutting costs. Id get to a race with new tyres, new this and that and do a great racing meet. Next race ill stick with my current tyres and cut costs in many ways. Starts turning out that the guys in first place just get new tyres. New parts. New this and that and even though your talented, your disadvantaged.
It all depends mate, if you want to compete and compete full stop, keep cutting costs. If you want first place, your going to have to spend.
...and spend... and spend... and spend..
oh and with gear. You can cut costs and get away with it. Your gear dont make your kart faster. But at the same time, when i first started, i bought el-cheapo suit, big fat cheap racing boots, uncomfortable gloves and a $100 helmet that was shocking. Oh and my rib protector was not a protector, it was more of a rag disguised and packaged as one. I think all up i spend $200-300AUD and it did the job. Eventually, my suit would suffocate me and id be better off in 4 jumpers and jeans. My boots were too fat and couldnt really feel the throttle well, i was better off with space boots. My helmet would shake so much, i could hardly see the track (i thought it was ment to be that bumpy). I would boil, overheat and be fustrated with my gear, yet again, i thought it was ment to be like that. To also add, i eventually fractured my left side ribs due to not enough protection and too much track time. I thought id buy better gear for 'style' only. I bought a $600 CRG MIR racing suit and $200 CRG MIR racing shoes, better gloves and a $800 helmet with venting 100x better. Oh, and a 350$ top end rib protector. I now keep cool, feel the pedals more, see better, and dont feel a single nudge around my ribs. I spent a shit load of money and believe it or not, it made me much quicker and made me able to focus more on my driving rather than getting thrown around. It made me much more consistent.
Good luck though!