@ Red FZ5: :wow:
(Lynce) DELETED by Lynce
Changed the colour to make it more realistic.

Bigger on RP Blog. 1280 x 1024.
:jawdrop: 2nd Pic Wow Very nice cant wait till i have them
as usual excellent work
(insert badly swearing here) looks really great Lynce..

:eye-poppi :twirl: :smileyrai
Lynce, you tease!

When these are released there is going to be a storm of edited screens with these reflections from me watch out world!
Quote from brandons48 :Lynce, you tease!

When these are released there is going to be a storm of edited screens with these reflections from me watch out world!

That is a good new.


"In this point, the work is very hard. The ilumination, normally, is focused in one point from one direction...."

More information on RP Blog:


Bigger in the Blog. 1280 x 1024.

Once again, incredible work Lynce!
wow, this is good.
(Johnny Mountain) DELETED by Johnny Mountain
Thank you, as always.

Anyway, is an unfinished file. I need more learn about these clear day conditions in that place.
Nice one.

What about other colours? Can you show us some white car previews maybe?

Or is it designed to work best with black?
Jesus, that looks amazing! :faint2:
The bit on the bonnet/hood looks a little wierd, looks really pixelated.
LFS is still DX7 though.

Some people say it is DX8, dunno the difference though. :P
Quote from DevilDare :Nice one.

What about other colours? Can you show us some white car previews maybe?

Or is it designed to work best with black?

Yeah, on a few minutes. I go to take some shots in another colours.

About your question, I work in the optimization in all colours. Even Skins.

The trouble is the optimization in grey cars and metallic Skins (Dispersion of the light on bodywork).

The documentation about this addon is very exhaustive. I need to see photos from real cars in almost all colours inside of the context of the current ilumination in the dds that I am working.

Quote from brandons48 :The bit on the bonnet/hood looks a little wierd, looks really pixelated.

+1. Yeah. The current pic is just a preview of the study of the light. 10% aprox. completed (The next is the study of the elements, dispersion of the light in grey colours and metallic Skins,etc). I use some trees to see a reference preview to see something near of the final result.

Quote from Furiously-Fast :LFS is still DX7 though.

Some people say it is DX8, dunno the difference though. :P


Next post on a few minutes. Some previews.
"The trouble making the new reflection texture on Fern Bay Clear Day is add the most important element..."

More information on RP Blog. Look at my signature, please.

Another previews:

Bigger pics on Rp's Blog. 1280 x 1024.

Note: This current addon is in early tests.
Wow that fernbay background you made is awesome.
Those FE backgrounds made me remind my beach house!
Looking good but the base needs more coastline, but i'm sure that's on the to-do list
Quote from brandons48 :Looking good but the base needs more coastline, but i'm sure that's on the to-do list

What he said.
(MariusMM) DELETED by MariusMM
Very nice, not sure about the road marks in the middle, theyre not for racers/drifters, but awesome for cruisers.

About this picture :

I think the reflection doesn't look good on this one, its all stretched it seems, especially on the top of the door. Sorry to make you feel bad or whatever, and I do understand your not done with it, I'm just pointing it out.
You can blame Eric Bailey for reflections being stretched.