Being offended on someone elses behalf needs a name so that we can put it into a political correctness box and outlaw it.
What we all must learn is that some people are very, very, very stupid. This applies to whiteys, blackeys, spicks, chinks, faggots, liberals, fascists and everybody else no matter what their stereotype.
These stupid people like things they can understand. So they know that calling people whiteys, blackeys, spicks, chinks, etc etc is bad. They understand this, and they know it's wrong.
This simplification doesn't actually tackle the route issue, you see - when I used those terms above I included lots of groups, and included all others with "and everybody else", what I didn't do was add an implication based upon the name - and I didn't use the name as an insult - so i've not committed racism.
Because this concept is far too complex for a stupid person to understand, and because stupid people exist within all racial groups, the simple fact that I used a tabboo word would be sufficient to classify it as racism.
But let's take it a step further, some people are quite keen to point out an alternative classification of racism which is one where if you cause offence by a remark that in some way highlights race, then you've committed racism. This is rubbish, in my personal opinion, because some people WANT to find offence in things. Some people are easy to offend even if you adhere to every contrived rule of political correctness, and some people go looking for offence.
This latter group, that seek out things to be offended by, are the thickest of all. I'd much rather spend my time looking for ways to be happy, personally. I meen, it's not rocket science - and being a highly strung pent up cry baby or easy going IS a choice, I meen, it's not as if how much of an **** you are is determined by your race is it?