Red Bull Skoda: UPDATE: now i need a photo where i can see the top and a better "Skoda" font. I'll do the shell helix details again!
Kronos Total Citroen:
Need a font the looks like the one gauloises is using on racing cars...the font from the logo on is to thin, dosn't look good.
It is not so bad
Try to put real logos on the side of the car, also if You have used MS Paint then try to get Photoshop or Paint shop . Or if You want free tools, then GIMP is Your friend, or PaintDotNet :P
You need templates to make a great skin, they are in, then use the Photoshop and do it best!
That skin you make, is bad ,sorry for that but try to do it different, with PS, see ya, bye.
you need to fiddle with the stripes in the front - the front area of the skin is not as wide as the top one... just a bit of work and definatly worth it
Well waiting in anticipation for Australia's first world cup match to start against Japan, I decided to knock up a quick skin for the XFR. This is in no means finished, I'm looking for suggestions
I'm not quite sure about the soccer balls on the roof (My brothers sugestion)