The online racing simulator
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :

Things i currently have on it are
  1. Cars
  2. Cash
  3. Refund And Force Fine System (Car Cash KM)
  4. HUD
  5. Swear filter
  6. Showoff Function(show off your stats to everyone on server) (!Show)
  7. Can't Buy cars / food if u don't have enough $
  8. Driving Bonus
  9. Buy/Sell cars
  10. Bank
  11. Pit Fines
  12. KM
  13. Bank Interest
  14. Happy Hour
  15. And More!
  16. Cop system

Sorry, but being trully pedantic here, you should change items 15 and 16 round.
Another idea - not sure how easy to implement though, or how interesting it would be (although some of us anal people might do it) -

Duplicate Drive(l?) (Conditional Challenge?)
You drive a normal lap (outwith or within speed limit) and time is recorded. Can you do next lap and finish it in same time +/- very small margin?

You have to match time, so what speed you were doing wouldn't matter. As long as you finish lap in same time. Don't give a countdown clock so make it harder to see if gaining/losing time).

Would probably only be interesting if you had traffic, accidents, cops, etc., to contend with. Maybe could only happen if x amount of drivers on the host?

You'd probably have to have driver specify that they were starting the challenge so lapper could record both laps. Prize for managing feat? Lesser prize if go slightly outwith time margin? Forfeit if you fail?
Quote from sinanju :Sorry, but being trully pedantic here, you should change items 15 and 16 round.

ah knew i did something wrong...
Cop + Warden
Here's a cop and a warden you could maybe use to keep order!
Attached images
Cop and Warden.PNG
Attached files
cops and wardens.txt - 5.5 KB - 460 views
Quote from sinanju :Here's a cop and a warden you could maybe use to keep order!

looking good... im also working on a sys for stop lights... will be interesting
Sorry, forgot my school patrol person.

My last. Honest!

You should get the idea now.
Attached images
LFS Patrol.PNG
Attached files
LFS Patrol.txt - 2.8 KB - 454 views
Quote from sinanju :Sorry, forgot my school patrol person.

My last. Honest!

You should get the idea now.

... u just wanna help me dev my light sys and what not?

i have a base down atm
Sorry, just don't have time.

I know I play with things a lot, but I mainly do that in my lunch hour at work, or about 11:30 at night when everyone else in bed.


I'm good at making buttons and labels, but actually coding is something I really struggle at.

Buttons are nice and visual, whereas coding is too abstract for me, and I struggle even with IF - ENDIF statements.

However, I'm happy to throw you some ideas; that's the easy bit.

Up to you though, to get them to work; that's the hard bit!

Good luck
Had another stupid idea.

Based on my Snow on visor/screen post.

On part of your track(s), you have a sign pop-up (use RegisterZoneAction) somewhere on track warning about paintball venue ahead, and watch for stray paint balls.

Bit like you might have passing a golf course.

Further on up the road using another RegisterZoneAction, and openPrivButtons, have "paint balls" splash onto drivers screen.

Best bit is the use of bright colours (red, yellow, green, etc) for paintballing!

Bit further on, have Car Wash, which can 'clean' (closePrivButtons) these marks off your screen, but of course, you have to pay for privilige!

(Change livery of one of the "marshalls" (or 'cop' or 'warden' or 'patrol' persons) to take the order/money).

Reason for doing it with a zone rather than a node (although not a big deal if you use a node), is that you can have a stretch of road with traffic coming either way, and maybe only traffic on one side of the road is affected.

Or, (much, much harder) if you have a wide road, and if you go take particular route you enter the zone, and you're hit. But if you miss this zone, then you're fine.

Maybe have zone half way off track, so that anyone close to the verge gets warning, but if you drive closer to middle of road, then you're fine.

Of course, you would have to figure someway of linking warning with being hit, as if no warning, should be no hit.

EDIT: Above idea added to my Sin'rs server, so you can see it (magnified somewhat) in action. But I just used Nodes as only one way traffic.
Development id going well i just created a new bank sys (old one is still included) and a new !buy sys which includes prices and ability to buy car in one

both these things use buttons i spent all after noon on the bank so i am hoping you guys like it
Well if Gai Adds RanNum(random number gen) to LFSLapper i will release the update im now at 1.9(yes big jump but lots of updates)

Things to come in 1.9
  1. Lotto (user can get a ticket every 6 hours[Lotto user file reset at 0 6 12 and 18 on server insim is hosted on])
  2. New Banking system
  3. !send is now part of the new bank GUI
  4. Ability to Rob bank
  5. new !buy GUI
  6. AutoBust System Re added (needed for bank rob system)
  7. FULLY FIXED !resetuser
  8. When a user Gets Kicked, Banned, LC, or TO they get the % of bonus they had (you can disable this if u really don't want it i just thought it was a good idea)
  9. Fixed a small thing where Cruise_Hud( $userName ); was listed 2 times in a sub
  10. More to come!

  11. "Snow" on visor(random points and sizes on screen)(2.0 or later)
  12. 4 Cops Per Chase( 2.0 or Later)
Hey guys been busy with the capture system and have been sick i will have this update out asap
i need to finish a few things up with the bank rob system and i will release it today or tomorrow
OK Guys well I was finishing up the last few thing... found a couple bugs with the Bank rob system that will take a hour or so to fix and make sure they fixed b4 I release the update check back at the site below to see when the update is out
Well if no one else is bothered, i`ll say good work m8
(Fire_optikz001) DELETED by Fire_optikz001
(Fire_optikz001) DELETED by Fire_optikz001
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :OK Guys well I was finishing up the last few thing... found a couple bugs with the Bank rob system that will take a hour or so to fix and make sure they fixed b4 I release the update check back at the site below to see when the update is out

OK Guys the file is online im double checking a few things to make sure there might be a little patch tomorrow if i find any more bugs
Looks like you've put in a lot of effort there!

Any chance of making your BL1 or AS5 layouts available so I know where the mall, parking lot and bank are located?
Quote from sinanju :Looks like you've put in a lot of effort there!

Any chance of making your BL1 or AS5 layouts available so I know where the mall, parking lot and bank are located?

working on that i'm hoping to have 1.93 or 2.0 with layouts cause i found a few minor bugs
hey Guys i fixed a few bug i will have the updated version up in a few minutes
I want to create a server with this kind of mod on it, and I've tired all night but it just seem to not work for me..

I added "include( "./Cruise.lpr");" to my 'addonsused.lpr' file and typed !mode cruise etc ingame, but nothing happens..

This is my first day & attempt at anything with LFS dedicated servers.. but if you could help me set this up step by step somehow, that would be just great

Thanks in advance.
Quote from M4T4Z4 :Hello..
I want to create a server with this kind of mod on it, and I've tired all night but it just seem to not work for me..

I added "include( "./Cruise.lpr");" to my 'addonsused.lpr' file and typed !mode cruise etc ingame, but nothing happens..

This is my first day & attempt at anything with LFS dedicated servers.. but if you could help me set this up step by step somehow, that would be just great

Thanks in advance.

ok you know how to use LFSLapper?
hey for those of you who have dowloaded the script a found a small bug ...

CatchEvent OnDisConnect( $userName, $reason )
$Amount = ToNum( $Refund["amount"] * ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar("BonusMeter") / $Refund["dist"] ) );
IF($Amount > 1 )
IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "PitSafe" ) == "1" ) THEN
globalMsg( strFormat( "^7{0} Recived {1:C} ^1Reason: ^7Distance bonus",$userName,$Amount ) );
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash" ) + $Amount ) );
globalMsg( strFormat( "^7{0} Recived {1:C} ^1Reason: ^7Distance bonus",$userName,ToNum( 500 + $Amount ) ) );
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash" ) + ToNum( 500 + $Amount ) [COLOR=Red][B])[/B][/COLOR] );

Quote from Fire_optikz001 :ok you know how to use LFSLapper?

Hello.. i don't really know much about it but i've got it standard setup.. perhaps you got any kind of instant messenger we can talk on ? (xfire, raptr, msn etc. pm me nick/mail)
ok guys sorry i forgot that i had deactivated the !mode command in the Cruise script so if you guys wanna download it one last time for now
OK guys well 1.94 is out here is what was changed
  1. Reactivated !mode (now you can turn cruise on ... forgot about it in 1.9-1.93)
  2. remade thing for when Completely new users Join (Reduces Server Load And cleans it up a bit)
  3. Krayy Ran it trough an Awk script so its easier to read
  4. added Global Var For $Mode so now when you put it in cruise it actually works right
  5. Some other minor fixes
Hope it works