2010 IndyCar Season
(98 posts, started )
2010 IndyCar Season
The more this season is shaping up the more I want to switch over from a NASCAR fan to an IndyCar fan.

There's a very very interesting line up for this year's IndyCar that will see a few more female drivers apart from Danica Patrick and Sarah Fisher.

I also love how international this season is. I mean IndyCar is essentially "american" racing but there's only 4 full time American drivers full time. The new schedule will also include Brazil. Hopefully we can see Indy in Europe or China in the future
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2 ... son#Team_and_Driver_Chart

The new Sao Paolo track is better now....I mean...it still looks a little mickey mouse. But that doesnt mean the racing has to be bad.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wi ... /commons/7/70/Anhembi.svg

I mean the San Jose street track is very simple and yet it has better racing than Valencia. This Sao Paolo track reminds me of San Jose and that's a good thing. One thing I cant understand tho is why they cant just go to Interlagos....but w/e.

Indy is making all the right decisions. While moving away from an all oval schedule but not completely getting rid of ovals and expanding outside of the US to Canada and Brazil. But the best thing this year...NO MILKA DUNO!!!!!! She dragged the respectability of the indy field down so much even with a part time schedule
Quote from lizardfolk : But the best thing this year...NO MILKA DUNO!!!!!! She dragged the respectability of the indy field down so much even with a part time schedule

No Milka....who will Dario's wife complain about now.

Can't wait, although will have to view most of the season via the web since the new guy at Sky sports has an extreme dislike for all things motorsport.

There is of course only one man who can be victorious this season...mon Dario Franchitti.
IndyCar is still on Sky Sports as far as I know Mackie, I thought it was just NASCAR they got rid of.

I'm quite excited about IndyCar this season, the series has been slowly getting better since the 're-unification' and I'm glad they haven't resorted to copying NASCAR in trying to turn the racing into a show rather than a sport.
Quote from count.bazley :I'm glad they haven't resorted to copying NASCAR in trying to turn the racing into a show rather than a sport.

These days they are the same thing.
In what way? I meant things like throwing random debris cautions and the like and trying to fabricate a close finish in every race. It gets boring quick. I prefer IndyCar and F1 where the guys running the show aren't afraid to have someone dominate a race once in a while.
Quote from count.bazley :In what way? I meant things like throwing random debris cautions and the like and trying to fabricate a close finish in every race. It gets boring quick. I prefer IndyCar and F1 where the guys running the show aren't afraid to have someone dominate a race once in a while.

Agreed, NASCAR does throw way too many cautions. I mean take a look at how the Canadian NASCAR does it's racing. Not BS cautions. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa1il1GGzsA) and they aren't afraid to give out local cautions like a normal series.

If Canadian NASCAR can do it. There is no excuse why regular NASCAR cant. There's even races when they let a wreck go without a caution on some of the ovals
Quote from lizardfolk :Agreed, NASCAR does throw way too many cautions. I mean take a look at how the Canadian NASCAR does it's racing. Not BS cautions. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa1il1GGzsA) and they aren't afraid to give out local cautions like a normal series.

If Canadian NASCAR can do it. There is no excuse why regular NASCAR cant. There's even races when they let a wreck go without a caution on some of the ovals

Honestly, thats a bad example because its a road course (well, street). NASCAR has local cautions on road courses. (and occasionally on ovals)

Besides the worst one for competition cautions was CORR, where there was a mandatory one in the middle of every race.
Quote from JackDaMaster :Honestly, thats a bad example because its a road course (well, street). NASCAR has local cautions on road courses. (and occasionally on ovals)

Have you seen the 09 Montreal race? Steven Wallace spun at the back of the field and NASCAR kept pulling out cautions because of it.

Quote from JackDaMaster :Besides the worst one for competition cautions was CORR, where there was a mandatory one in the middle of every race.

Haven't watched CORR since I was a kid. Was CORR really like that? I know that SCORE should be better.
about the sao paulo track there is a virtual lap made by Versus http://www.versus.com/indycar/ ... ar-sao-paulo-virtual-lap/

about china. I read months ago that china is going to build a 1,5 - 2 mile oval for Indy Car races. However, why don't they go to Phasaki (RSA), Rockingham (GBR) and Eurospeedway (DEU)? With Motegi they already have one of the four outa-north-amarican racing ovals.

About the girls. It's going to be interesting how competing Beatriz (BRA) and De Silvestro (SWI) are. De Silvestro already marked something by being faster then Danica at Barber Testings
Quote from TFalke55 :

about china. I read months ago that china is going to build a 1,5 - 2 mile oval for Indy Car races. However, why don't they go to Phasaki (RSA), Rockingham (GBR) and Eurospeedway (DEU)? With Motegi they already have one of the four outa-north-amarican racing ovals.

How about we go to all of them That would be my dream schedule. Getting rid of some boring ovals in the US and replacing them with ovals outside of US.

Quote from TFalke55 :About the girls. It's going to be interesting how competing Beatriz (BRA) and De Silvestro (SWI) are. De Silvestro already marked something by being faster then Danica at Barber Testings

No one's going to care because she isnt as hot as danica
Quote from lizardfolk :How about we go to all of them That would be my dream schedule. Getting rid of some boring ovals in the US and replacing them with boring ovals outside of US.

No one's going to care just like danica

Fixed both.
Quote from lizardfolk :How about we go to all of them That would be my dream schedule. Getting rid of some boring ovals in the US and replacing them with ovals outside of US.

IZOD IndyCar World Series anyone? But then we need to bring australia back and race on all continents

Quote from lizardfolk :
No one's going to care because she isnt as hot as danica

You cannot say noone... I care about it at least one person.

@PMD I wouldn't call the outa-NA ovals boring. The F3 races at Eurospeedway have been great for example.
I just watched a video to see what you are saying. Basically the cars produced less power which made the racing closer. I'd rather watch an Indycar at Richmond where you can't just put a brick on the throttle.
Didn't Champ Car used to go to Lauzitz and Rockingham? (and brands if I remember rightly)
Indy cars at Bristol.
You cannot do this at european ovals. At least not in indycars. At rockingham the corners are too tight to go full throttle and those who tried it at eurospeedway actually chrashed out in DTM and in 2001 ChampCar. (DTM used Turn 1 in 2003, but after 2 Audis and 1 Opel chrashed in the practice session because they tried to go round Oval Turn 1 at full throttle they switched back to the regular road course without oval turn 1.) About the brick on the throttle you might be right for the 2003 German 500 for example, because they only had the road course kit for the cars, even at a 2-mile speedway. Plus Turn 3 at the Eurospeedway is quiet tricky nowadays because there are some bumps and the Eurospeedway has half as much banking as Indianapolis. They have only up to 5°
Phasaki is actually the old Las Vegas oval.
And don't forget. IndyCars have not that much downforce at 1,5+ mile ovals. They cannot even go full throttle there and they wont be able to go full throttle all the time at european ovals too.
Quote from PMD9409 :Fixed both.

Well...Danica has danicamania...I'm sure loads of people care even if it's not warranted. Simona is not going to attract any attention much like Sarah Fisher unless she does very well in IndyCar (i.e. wins more than 1 races)

I've always found IndyCar boring on Kentucky and Cali. And ChampCar was fantastic at Eurospeedway. So.....

Quote from PMD9409 :I just watched a video to see what you are saying. Basically the cars produced less power which made the racing closer. I'd rather watch an Indycar at Richmond where you can't just put a brick on the throttle.

You cant do that even with ChampCar in 2001. And Rockingham's too tight for that anyways.
I watched a vid of F3 at Eurospeedway, which is what Falke mentioned. In no statement did I say Champcar/Indycars/DTM/anything else go full throttle there. He said the F3 races were great there, I mentioned why I believe that.

The female driver crap: I don't care what you are (male/female), I give them both an equal chance. But if they are doing crap, they shouldn't be seen differently just because they are of the opposite sex. The same when coming into a sport, they shouldn't be looked upon as some great thing. Afterall, they are just another person.

What do you guys consider good racing? You say you want no cautions so the field sort of spreads out so you see who the true winner should be (and not have things for show), but at the same time you complain you want closer/better racing. It's hypocritical. Sometimes you can't have both.
Quote from PMD9409 :

What do you guys consider good racing? You say you want no cautions so the field sort of spreads out so you see who the true winner should be (and not have things for show), but at the same time you complain you want closer/better racing. It's hypocritical. Sometimes you can't have both.

I want a middle ground. I dont want a caution every 20 laps but at the same time I also dont want 200 laps of racing without a single caution.
Quote from PMD9409 :I just watched a video to see what you are saying. Basically the cars produced less power which made the racing closer. I'd rather watch an Indycar at Richmond where you can't just put a brick on the throttle.

I went to the IRL Richmond race this past summer, unfortunately, they took Richmond off the schedule . It was a really fun experience, I'm a huge NASCAR fan, go to all of the Richmond races, and I am kinda surprised that they sounded so much louder and (in some ways) better than COT's. Unfortunately, the shortness of Richmond(which we all know creates great races in NASCAR) didn't help IRL that much. There was a total of like 3 passes the whole damn race, and maybe 2 wrecks(single car spins of course....) It was great seeing the cars, experiencing the piercing shriek of their little V8's bouncing around the grandstands, but the racing unfortunately wasn't that great.
Well that's disappointing lol.

Back to things with fenders then!
Quote from lizardfolk :I want a middle ground. I dont want a caution every 20 laps but at the same time I also dont want 200 laps of racing without a single caution.

Though I have to say the 2009 Homestead race was exciting even though there was no caution
Quote from lizardfolk :Graham Rahal and Robert Doornbos both are out of a ride for this year....HOW DID MILKA BEAT THOSE TWO TO THE RIDE!!!!!????


2010 IndyCar Season
(98 posts, started )