The online racing simulator
Problem with connecting
(8 posts, started )
Problem with connecting
I'm new to LFS more or less. I currently have only Demo, but I'm thinking about buying the S2 license. My bro has it and I know it is cool.
So here's the problem:
I have been trying to connect to at least 10 different servers and same problem comes up every time. Then it come to "Waiting fot guest info" or something like that is gives me this error: "The host didn't receive UDP package". I'm not sure that translation is 100% correct, because I have Slovenian LFS.
Please help!
Make sure you have the TCP and UDP ports open, and check if your firewall let LFS send and receive data
Quote from Whiskey :Make sure you have the TCP and UDP ports open, and check if your firewall let LFS send and receive data

you don't need to open any ports unless you're running a server of your own.

that said, your router might be crap, or you might be using a p2p application that's hogging all the connections. try taking a look at the other computers on your network.
I have the same problem, I have tried switching between TCP/UDP in multiplayer menu. But that doesn't help, and LFS is unblocked in the firewall.

Please help
what servers are you connecting to? if the server is too far away, or has a crummy route between you and it, it could give these kinds of problems, along with lag if it did actually connect.
Quote from bunder9999 :what servers are you connecting to? if the server is too far away, or has a crummy route between you and it, it could give these kinds of problems, along with lag if it did actually connect.

CLC, Ironhorse, Driftwars etc. There's nothing wrong with my connection, all the others game i try works fine and I have been on the servers on a longe time before.
Come on, someone has to know? What is UDP and why can't host receive it?
If anyone can help, please do as Im experiencing the same problems.

Problem with connecting
(8 posts, started )