The online racing simulator
Centralized network control for lfs clients
Is there a software/tool/addon to control various machines running lfs..?. while running the game, change player name, join the race, and set ready to go, all from a gui or command line on a network client?

is it possible? the idea is to control several machines that don't have keyboards or mouse to provide a ready to go machine for guests.

we've been using synergy to span the mouse across the network computers, but it's just too time consuming, and as the number of machines grow, it becomes useless...

i know there's a few simulation businesses using lfs, does anyone know what kind of software do they use?.

Simbin has a software for racerooms, wich basically does what i want, but i want to race with lfs.
I don't know of any existing solution for this particular problem, but joining a host, selecting a car and setup, a colour scheme, ... pretty much everything there is to be done, can be done via InSim.
if anyone out there is capable of writing an app in order to have a gui to get that done, i can provide as much support as i can, i'm pretty sure an app like this would promote the game as a simulation platform and i don't think i'm the only one looking for something like this.