The online racing simulator
Quote from Scawen :they are always thin no matter how much i exercise, but they are stronger than they look

Just like my legs lol
wd40 mad extens0rzzzz!!1 mad!!! what u need naw is NAWZ!! on those PIPES OMG!!!!

cant w8 for next chapters!!! thx for update, awesome SUPPPORT!!!!

Quote from Scawen : Couldn't turn it by hand this morning (as expected) so i've made a special WD40 application tool with a tube on a stick - see attached picture. t

The tool looks like U got some inspiration from the image "Scawen farmer.jpg"

works on pretty similar principle..
ummkay...I think KiDCoDea totally lost his mind and got graazyy illepall
I get the feeling Scawen twisted the wrong tap
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Ha ha ha Fordie - I wonder how close that is to the reality...

Scawen: No, I didn't mean use the freezer spray to cut the pipes!!! Apply the freezer spray to the mechanism, thus making tha tap nice and cold. Then try to turn it. It works on rusty nuts and bolts on cars, but then they're generally not arms length down a hole.

The final option is to get a bar (metal or wood), lower it onto the tap somewhere where you can't do much damage, then give it a whack with a big hammer (of the sledge variety). This should break the rust/gunge/soil joint that is stopping it from turning.

If none of these work, I'm running out of ideas. So I'll just have to think of more comedy photoshops of your pictures...
#157 - vtx
Quote from tristancliffe :Ha ha ha Fordie - I wonder how close that is to the reality...

I hope not to close
Real Progress
Wow, I am excited now, because that tap can TURN!!!

Tristan - ok I get you now, you mean just like the well known heating of the seized thing, cooling it instead. I had thought you were talking about the other slightly risky "ice plug" idea that can be used instead of a tap. BUT... no need, as enough repeat applications of WD40 and just some gentle tapping a few times, has done the job.

Here's a picture of how the tap looks down the hole, and another of my tap turning tool, seeing as some of you seem to like my tools LOL - it's a simple groove in the end to grab the tap, and a hole at the other end for the handle... this would be strong enough to break off the tap completely, but i used it gently to apply a bit more torque than i could with my hand down the hole.

And it started to move! Just an eighth of a turn at first, but i've been going back to it, re-oiling, turning in and out a bit further each time, and i'm up to 1 and a half turns now... no rush, hopefully it will eventually turn enough to cut off the water supply!
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lol funny stuff
If someone would post how he's fixing his kitchen or somethin, I wouldnt give a damn, but somehow anything Scawen posts, it's always interesting to read

Edit: Scawen, post a pic of Your car
Edit 2: Is that the cat of God there?
Quote from Scawen :Wow, I am excited now, because that tap can TURN!!!

Tristan - ok I get you now, you mean just like the well known heating of the seized thing, cooling it instead. I had thought you were talking about the other slightly risky "ice plug" idea that can be used instead of a tap. BUT... no need, as enough repeat applications of WD40 and just some gentle tapping a few times, has done the job.

Here's a picture of how the tap looks down the hole, and another of my tap turning tool, seeing as some of you seem to like my tools LOL - it's a simple groove in the end to grab the tap, and a hole at the other end for the handle... this would be strong enough to break off the tap completely, but i used it gently to apply a bit more torque than i could with my hand down the hole.

And it started to move! Just an eighth of a turn at first, but i've been going back to it, re-oiling, turning in and out a bit further each time, and i'm up to 1 and a half turns now... no rush, hopefully it will eventually turn enough to cut off the water supply!

My only question is why are you taping that poor kitty cat?!

J/k :P but thats a creative tap there man, want to come tap out some bumper supports for my car??
Quote from RudiTurbo : Edit 2: Is that the cat of God there?

Or creature? Looking mean and angry thought, doesnt like cameras eh?
question: why would they put the main stopcock way outside? mines inside :s
Quote :
Edit: Scawen, post a pic of Your car

Yes, yes, need to know what car you drive

Really like to read about your everydays

More kithcen progress reports, more!
Aaaww, a cat!:spider:
Rock on! :headbang:
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Quote from dUmAsS :question: why would they put the main stopcock way outside? mines inside :s

Over at mine we've got 2. One in the house, and one out in the street. This means if you need to replace some stuff on the main incoming pipe, like the inner stopcock, you can without having a swimming pool in your house.

Scawen: Isnt that wood a bit flimsy to turn a stiff tap? I would've thought that it'd have chewed it up!
Quote from dUmAsS :question: why would they put the main stopcock way outside? mines inside :s

You've missed the start of the story ... 1323&page=2&pp=30 ...the one in the kitchen is broken, that's why i need to turn off the outside one, so i can replace the inside one!

Quote from the_angry_angel :Isnt that wood a bit flimsy to turn a stiff tap? I would've thought that it'd have chewed it up!

No, that's quite a strong piece of wood. Maybe my cat is bigger than you think. Anyway after my experience with the kitchen stopcock i do not want to apply too much force, this one has got loose enough by tapping and oiling. Now i can turn it quite easily, don't even need the metal handle any more...
Hurray for Scawen, the master of all sorts of things :-D

congratz ;-)
Quote from Blackout :Or creature? Looking mean and angry thought, doesnt like cameras eh?

Man dont you see this? poor cat
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Great news Scawen. Glad WD40 helped!

And that cat is huge...

Quote from Scawen :Maybe my cat is bigger than you think.

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Scawens cat at Blackwood.jpg
LOL Orion - Thats brilliant! Ha hahahahahahahahahahah rofl (fell off chair)
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Blatent copy of Sladi's post
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Evil Cat.jpg
Quote from the_angry_angel :Over at mine we've got 2. One in the house, and one out in the street. This means if you need to replace some stuff on the main incoming pipe, like the inner stopcock, you can without having a swimming pool in your house.

ah! ive got one downstairs somewhere and theres a small manhole style thingy for each house. its just gunk down them though, but i guess its a tap down there. *goes to turn off all the neighbours water*
I will model Scawen's kitchen in Worldcraft/Hammer Editor, so we can play a bit CS 1.6 or HL in there, but I need reference photos and many textures

Or with the Source engine, but Im a noob with this and it sucks either :P
This thread is closed

How about a KITCHEN progress report?
(510 posts, closed, started )