Quote from Chrisuu01 :I wonder if the LFS licensing system should really change since in this way the devs aren't really getting any money from it.
If its the lack of money that bring forward this slow progress.

Why don't we just pay for the base contend of like say s3 and then pay for any additional cars and tracks that would come out? seems fair to me TBH.
I think the devs would actually benefit from this in this wis the very finest of community members will stay while the winers move away?

I dont see why wouldnt it.

I for one know, that I like to do something and work on something every day only if I know I will get something out of it in the end.

Just like this new project I am working on with couple of other people. It is very hard for me to bring myself to add content and work on it when I know I barely get anything out of it.

I believe the same is with Scavier.

Anyways, thanks for info Scawen!
Thanks for letting us know what's going down Scawen its very refreshing to hear your honest answer as to what is going down although its not entirely positive for the punters of LFSLand.

I may have it arse backwards but it pretty much sounds like the project is on the back burner , not a huge revelation as most would have guessed .

I really do appreciate letting us all know and and i appreciate even more its not spun in PR bullshit .
In the long term spending time with your kids (they grow up so fast and you never get that time back) and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is far, far more important than working overtime with the patch.

Props to Scawen for telling it like it is.
I'm happy for hearing Scawen's explaination.
Quote from Scawen :I'm not asking you for faith. I'm asking you to make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter.

It's a funny thing how when you create something good for people, eventually you will be insulted by some of them.

Anyway, I am happy that most people did understand my post and haven't taken it negatively.

Making a post got me subscribed to the thread again but I'll switch that off again, to avoid this kind of distraction.

I don't have kids, but i know how much your life changes when you have financial commitments (mortgage, loan repayments etc) so that coupled with the family, it's completely understandable you have less time. I don't think a lot of people fully understand that though, but that's their problem.

working 80+ hours a week to keep the money coming in means you don't have a lot of energy left for other things
Quote from Scawen :I'm not asking you for faith. I'm asking you to make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter.

It's a funny thing how when you create something good for people, eventually you will be insulted by some of them.

Anyway, I am happy that most people did understand my post and haven't taken it negatively.

Making a post got me subscribed to the thread again but I'll switch that off again, to avoid this kind of distraction.

I know you most likely won't see this post, but I have to add my thanks too. You've made a great product here and it's given me years of massive entertainment and thrill. I'm excited about the updates and look forward to them, but it doesn't drive my life like it seems to for some of these guys.

To some of you dissatisfied people: you really need to get a grip on life. It's OK to complain and hope for better stuff, but this "I want it now" (Willy Wonka style), attitude is disappointing. Scawen gives you an honest, realistic statement, and you flat blast him. And then you turn around and complain that you don't get any updates. Go figure.

You've never been lied to. Scawen tells it like it is. That's refreshing in this day and age.
+1 for previous post. try getting that honesty from any major game studio...
Quote from Scawen :I'm not asking you for faith. I'm asking you to make sure you are subscribed to the newsletter.

It's a funny thing how when you create something good for people, eventually you will be insulted by some of them.

Anyway, I am happy that most people did understand my post and haven't taken it negatively.

Making a post got me subscribed to the thread again but I'll switch that off again, to avoid this kind of distraction.

I do hope LFS development is back in full swing some day. While its disappointing to fans of LFS that development has slowed so much, LFS was still one of the great simulations of all time, and that is surely a huge accomplishment for a one man dev team. I have moved on to other sims but still frequent these forums every day, and I'll surely be back when patches start coming out for LFS again.
I would like to thank the Dev's for making a sim that gave me so many great memories and made it possible to meet so many good people and friends over the last few years that i have been involved with LFS Thanks again fella's

Personally to be honest I have already moved on but I will always visit here and keep an eye out for developments and will be back to rub wheels from time to time but for me the magic has gone

I do understand over time priorities change from time to time and hope Scawen and the other Dev's will once again be able to put LFS where it deserves to be in the future, for a long time LFS was punching well above it's weight in the sim world and all from a 3 man dev team and that was only down to a lot of hard work and late nights for a number of years

My only concern is that the speed of development currently is that when the new tyre model is finally released it will be a few years behind what is currently available elsewhere.

still looking forward to the future though.
When you purchase a license, you are agree to a terms of contract.

It is implied that you purchase a product as it is currently. The improvements are an additional element. It is implicit in the purchase, which makes the consumer.

Developers do not have any contractual obligation with the audience it is directed.

This is not to defend a position or another, it is to be objective.
Lynce I think the vast majority know that aspect, but that does not prevent a delay in a long-awaited update, finish by despair to the people who have already bought the game.

in my opinion is not good that developers are so sincere ... I do not see a manufacturer of any type of product name does not mean that things be on time because they do not like their work and have a family to care .... is understandable, but so is life and understand the disappointment of the people ... as mine.

I am happy with LFS to present day, but this is a great disappointment.
Precisely, people forgot that aspect.
There is some misreading of my post going on. LFS development is not on the back burner, and I never said I don't like my work.

I said, I am working on the physics and I look forward to releasing it because of the excitement of it and I added that of course also it will be good for earnings!

To be entirely clear... since our "official" progress report we discovered bugs and further analysis showed other flaws in the tyre model. Further development of the tyre model and further analysis showed up more issues as well. This is that model which we think feels very nice to drive in most sutuations. I am not interested in "fudging" or "bodging" the tyre model and it takes time, research and thinking space to come to the right solutions.

Around Christmas and New Year, time spent with family and so on also causes some delays. I don't regret that.

My post was supposed to let you know what's going on, after dozens of people were complaining about a wall of silence, developers hiding under a rock and all that.

I hope you now have a better understanding of what I was saying. Some guys, please don't try to take the worst possible view of everything. Most people did understand!
And for people that still not understand it, ah come on! Get off you're lazy chair bitch do something useful!
Thanks Scawen for the updates, I am in the camp that do understand.

It is clear from your posts that the tyre physics have turned out to be alot more work than anticipated and you want to get them right. This is great news IMO, as it means we will get a more complete physics model than originally planned. Of course this will take more time, but as most of the community realise, these physics will be the cornerstone of LFS for years to come, so it is worth the wait for you to get them right

I hope I didn't come across as moaning in my last few posts, but I only wanted to know when to expect any updates, and your post has at least made it clear that it won't be in the next month or so..

I was expecting, probably like others, that the patch was due for release around Christmas or very close to, now we know it is not, then I can continue to plan my events and leagues with this knowledge.
Quote from Hallen :You've never been lied to. Scawen tells it like it is. That's refreshing in this day and age.

What could be the possible date of release? It would be useful to know for those who organize tournaments ...
Quote from lysergic :What could be the possible date of release? It would be useful to know for those who organize tournaments ...

fat chance, we all know what happens when they post an expected date and then have to bump it back (repeatedly).
Quote from Scawen :well I guess that means there must be a whole lot of sims out there that have overtaken LFS in nearly every way.

Correct Why all these people are waiting for a track and a few cars I don't know, LFS will never catch up with the competition
Quote from Scawen :There is some misreading of my post going on. LFS development is not on the back burner, and I never said I don't like my work.

Are you serious?
Your post was perfectly fine...

Some whiners tried another attack, thats all..
Thanks for the replies Scawen, you can't please everyone fella but I think that at least by having these last few posts it makes LFS team work a bit more transparent which in turn stops the fanbois from making undue assumptions.

I think that is the scary thing about producing a game/sim within the public's eye, they expect things to go smoothly and within a timespan that seems right to them, not the somewhat chaotic process which a lot of games/sims end up going in to due to unforeseen circumstances.

I've done my fair share of crunch times within the industry and it's taken it out of me after working my nuts off on a 1-2 year project, you guys should be applauded for keeping going for the last 8 years- hopefully once this latest hurdle is jumped you guys can have a well deserved break for a bit and regroup for whatever is next in store for LFS.

keep up the good work guys
guys, enjoy what we have, what i do is i either cruise and get rich there from driving a while, drift when im up to it, make setups because that is challenging, or go onto Iron Horse Racing for some multi-class racing, which is great

when i start to get bored of lfs, i go to let my dog out, and we just happen to run 7 miles

so lets all just stop bugging scawen and the developers for making such a good game, and either enjoy what they have created and gifted to us, or find something else to do, like running, or playing with your dog.....or get a girlfriend :hide:
Yes, developing games is like that, and LFS won't get away with it. Testing unearths bugs, and testing of the fixes for those bugs either lead you to discover more bugs created by the fix, or some that were missed in the first place. Which is exactly why corporations have QA departments
Hi scawen.

Thx for your post and for letting us know whats going on in the background.

I would love to see the work go faster, but thats because after playing lfs everything else in the market feels lame.

I have desperately tried to find other game that gives me the same feelings and sensations while waiting for the new patch but i failed

So i am going to wait for as long as needed because this kind of work is different from the usual stuff made by big companies and once you get hooked is like a drug... you will never be completely free of it.

Also, i know you don´t want to open the game to modding yet, buy after the physics are ok that would be a blast and could release you guys of the work of beeing asked for content again and again.

So please, keep working and keep the illusion.
Quote from Scawen :There is some misreading of my post going on. LFS development is not on the back burner, and I never said I don't like my work.

I said, I am working on the physics and I look forward to releasing it because of the excitement of it and I added that of course also it will be good for earnings!

To be entirely clear... since our "official" progress report we discovered bugs and further analysis showed other flaws in the tyre model. Further development of the tyre model and further analysis showed up more issues as well. This is that model which we think feels very nice to drive in most sutuations. I am not interested in "fudging" or "bodging" the tyre model and it takes time, research and thinking space to come to the right solutions.

Around Christmas and New Year, time spent with family and so on also causes some delays. I don't regret that.

My post was supposed to let you know what's going on, after dozens of people were complaining about a wall of silence, developers hiding under a rock and all that.

I hope you now have a better understanding of what I was saying. Some guys, please don't try to take the worst possible view of everything. Most people did understand!

People here just get nervous and do not let you work as you know , but they forget that they play the game as you do it and as the time you took it... just just close this topic, it has nothing more to discuss
This thread is closed

[OLD] Tyre Physics Progress Report
(4434 posts, closed, started )