You shouldn't family always comes first!!!
That said is more then enough for me i know how big of a actual job it is to raise multiple child's.
The game comes 2nd to this the most important thing is for you to be a great father.
While I respect your opinion, how can you possibly know? can you see into the future?
I hear iracing is getting a little better than it used to be, some of us don't want to take out a second mortgage to play it.
LFS still stands as "one of the best" racing simulators out there even now before this next update, plus the fact that its so simple and easy to install and set up, not like some of the others.
@ scawen, its a shame that every post you make is disected and twisted by the masses, but I suppose it shows how many people feel passionate about your project
What I fail to understand fully is the people who keep saying "lfs is dead" and "other sims are better" why are they still hanging around posting it over and over again for?
Because some sims are better in some aspects and I dont really dont see why community cannot discuss about things that could be incorporated (and some because of today's LFS model could be even better than those in other sims) and which shouldnt.
tried GTR2, tried R-factor, tried Gran-turismo, and on controller i tried Forza....none of them i have anywhere near the feeling i get when i play lfs, i cant get my car to stay on the track.
Oh yeah, i also tried Shift, but that was easily the worst, it just was wrong.....LFS is my home
meh, its simbin, so it is nothing close to ultimate sim goal - to have effective and optimized for average PC simulation giving real life physics results. Scirocco urged this way of development.
The sim closest to that would enable next step: racing with real life ghost-cars from real life races.
Thats your idea of a 'next step' for racing sims ? I don't get it.
# You can't 'race with' ghost cars. All you would be doing is hotlapping, so all you need is a time to beat. To 'race with' a car/driver, it needs to react to you and you to it.
# If in the future some hypothetical sim managed to create a perfectly real physics (I know its not possible), then it would be easy for many to beat real life times for two reasons:
1) sim driver can drive in a style and with a setup that would be way too dangerous for a real driver.
2) real laps cost $$$ whereas sim laps are free, so testing and practice would enable sim drivers to get closer to the 'optimum' lap.
Well releasing betas for people is to make them find bugs. But scawen already knows the bugs, so he doesn't need to release a beta. I'm sure he just want's everything perfect when replacing a crucial part of the game
I think the one thing that we are all waiting for is a date,not like hour or minute cleare,but just aprox date,whene we could expect VWS or even whole s3,that could make our day!
Good luck developing and we are waiting for future reports soon!
Well, actualy there is such game already: Real Time Racing , its now in betta and only beta testers can play it but i can say its nothing special, like Race 07 with other cars and ofc real time races with other real racers.
I understand every work has funny parts and boring parts, going afeter software problems can be boring and exhausting. I hope you find solutions for them
But hey, if someday you feel like releasing a test patch... :P
it would be even easier with tuning the cars specs. But... it could be quite interesting if I could see the race along the grid of cars, watch their racelines, braking points and so on, even if they dont see me and I cant crash them. Also, I could see real cars as ghosts and sim cars as "real" - therefore race here would be just the same as always, there could be negative poitns applied for "collision" with ghosts-cars ("incidents" caused by virtual racers. There are lots of possibilities in such environment.