keep it up Lynce..
it looks amazing.
hello LYNCE!

thee creations are great, they are very clean.

Can I ask you a question?:

What you use as software to make the skydome image (for dds and reflection of the sky), I'm really interested in my 3D creations.

thank you in advance, is once again, good luck for the future .
Quote from Nicce :keep it up Lynce..
it looks amazing.

Thank you.

Quote from zilul :hello LYNCE!

thee creations are great, they are very clean.

Can I ask you a question?:

What you use as software to make the skydome image (for dds and reflection of the sky), I'm really interested in my 3D creations.

thank you in advance, is once again, good luck for the future .

Thank you, too, to you:

South City Overcast Day. In progress.
LYNCE thank you, but I have Photoshop (CS4).
you use a plugin or an option already present?

thank you again for thee reply: D.
The reflections look amazing, but i dislike that background alot , Can you make one with a simple screenshot of a track, with some transprarent boxes around it? not the shiny ones u have?
Quote from zilul :LYNCE thank you, but I have Photoshop (CS4).
you use a plugin or an option already present?

thank you again for thee reply: D.

In photoshop 7.0 I haven't plugins, really.

Instead, I have a lot of plugins in After effects CS4 to make videos.

Quote from lukelfs :The reflections look amazing, but i dislike that background alot , Can you make one with a simple screenshot of a track, with some transprarent boxes around it? not the shiny ones u have?

I don't understand you, well, and the context.

Can you repeat again, please?

Thank you.

(I'm very interested on comments, sugestions, criticisms, flames,...).

On topic:

Improvement on the Sky from Fern Bay Clear Day based on the light spectrum along the day:


Working on South City Overcast Day.

Making some tsts in another reflections and iluminations(Kyoto sunset day).
Sky and reflections on early tests in Kyoto "Sunset cloudy". Sunlight position probably wrong. Wrong colours of the mountains(I'll go to make new landscapes for Kyoto). Wrong colour on the bodywork on the opposite side respect to the sun._

1280 x 1024

Just exploring the light in sunset conditions.

Working on South City Overcast Day.
Oh, wow, that's amazing, keep it up.


so good is this Lynce..
Quote from Lynce :Sky and reflections on early tests in Kyoto "Sunset cloudy".

1280 x 1024

Working on South City Overcast Day.

WOW. Just WOW. That's really, really impressive! Amazing work, keep it up! I love it. Playing on Kyoto will be a blast with such great skies and reflections!

And while I do agree with your notes about these early tests, the results are already impressive. Can't wait for final!
i cant see anything wrong at just looks great
Something so amazing, this goes for your best jobs
Thank you all for the comments.

Kyoto Sunset cloudy do not reveal, not even, a first test. Just to see a posible reflection and sky for that track. I explain better.

The sky got a wrong illumination, wrong size of the sun (big), wrong colours in the horizon, I do not make any documentation, the reflections only reflects the Sky with some work over ilumination and nothing more,etc. So, this is just a posible result, but... I do not say that I can made a better stuff, I just explain that the sky and reflection isn't totally correct.

South City Overcast Afternoon. Sky completed.

Just a curiosity when I'm looking information and photos from London: ... y-capital-place-live.html

Quote from Lynce :
South City Overcast Afternoon. Sky completed.

That looks brilliant!
Well, I will finally say that. I actually don't really like that super-clear sky. It looks kind a little bit unreal. (last RAC shot) Maybe only I think this way. Sorry.
Quote from PioneerLv :Well, I will finally say that. I actually don't really like that super-clear sky. It looks kind a little bit unreal. (last RAC shot) Maybe only I think this way. Sorry.

A interesting comment. Please, next time, put why reason and real references.

My links: ... 2641770663_bc0fec748d.jpg ... og/s400/DIA+DESPEJADO.jpg

Clear days without clouds, exists in real life. Fern bay is a fictional track in Jamaica. We understand the meteorology is diferente than North of Europe. From google:

http://www.le-caribbean-island ... es/jamaicanegrilbeach.jpg ... 084fb_JAMAICA_1_BEACH.jpg

http://www.le-caribbean-island ... es/jamaicanegrilbeach.jpg ... 1334467124069181701RjyUkq

you have such an eye for detail

i looked at your reference pics and saw just grey, you see texture and art, and can make it into something are seriously great
Good argument Lynce. Now I agree with you. I think I'm missing those little clouds even on clear sky, like this:

In Live For Speed it looks a little bit different. Well, maybe just because in LFS everything is clear.

But anyway it's amazing. It's really nice to see your work, Lynce. Thank you.
Clear skies are boring in virtual environments because they lack the volume the real sky has. There are no details to behold, the track surface and run off areas are tiled textures, as are walls and windows, in fact almost everything. Ontop of that, the sky is a static texture. It's just a boring combination, no matter how well the sky texture is made
Quote from morpha :Clear skies are boring in virtual environments because they lack the volume the real sky has. There are no details to behold, the track surface and run off areas are tiled textures, as are walls and windows, in fact almost everything. Ontop of that, the sky is a static texture. It's just a boring combination, no matter how well the sky texture is made

So what? As Scawen stated before LFS' priority isn't wow effect. And I can't see the purpose of your criticism. Lynce is spending a lot of time and effort in order to make LFS more attractive. We need Lynce's appetite for LFS.
Quote from logitekg25 :you have such an eye for detail

i looked at your reference pics and saw just grey, you see texture and art, and can make it into something are seriously great

Thank you as always. You usually got nice words.

Quote from PioneerLv :Good argument Lynce. Now I agree with you. I think I'm missing those little clouds even on clear sky, like this:

In Live For Speed it looks a little bit different. Well, maybe just because in LFS everything is clear.

But anyway it's amazing. It's really nice to see your work, Lynce. Thank you.

I understand. If people want, I can make something like this link. Some blurred clouds in the horizon.

Anyway, I like your comment . As I said, I publish pics, periodicity, to see the reaction of the people. My references, can be "wrong" (Or not totally correct or I can miss something) in some moments OR I can make a little change to please the people( if this change is based in real life and are a congruence arguments as yours).

Cheers, brother.

Quote from morpha :Clear skies are boring in virtual environments because they lack the volume the real sky has. There are no details to behold, the track surface and run off areas are tiled textures, as are walls and windows, in fact almost everything. Ontop of that, the sky is a static texture. It's just a boring combination, no matter how well the sky texture is made

I agree with you, brother.

Quote from ADX.14 :So what? As Scawen stated before LFS' priority isn't wow effect. And I can't see the purpose of your criticism. Lynce is spending a lot of time and effort in order to make LFS more attractive. We need Lynce's appetite for LFS.

I think is not a criticism. Instead is welcome.

Thank you, my friend.
Thank you for your reply, my friend, Lynce.
Quote from ADX.14 :So what? As Scawen stated before LFS' priority isn't wow effect. And I can't see the purpose of your criticism. Lynce is spending a lot of time and effort in order to make LFS more attractive. We need Lynce's appetite for LFS.

I wasn't criticising, I was elaborating on what I think was PioneerLv's inital impression, which I share. There are some fairly promising projects out there attempting to recreate the real sky and even those come nowhere near the real thing, despite very accurate wheather simulation with all its visual effects, 3D clouds, variable density fog and whatnot. Here's an example
Quote from morpha :I wasn't criticising, I was elaborating on what I think was PioneerLv's inital impression, which I share. There are some fairly promising projects out there attempting to recreate the real sky and even those come nowhere near the real thing, despite very accurate wheather simulation with all its visual effects, 3D clouds, variable density fog and whatnot. Here's an example

OK, everything is clear now. Thanks for explanation. As you know, LFS is aiming low system computers. Therefore dev's priviliges are on the ground and cars. I don't know how much real weather effect via silverlining consumes CPU and RAM additionally. BTW we have an excellent example for realtime weather and 3D clouds modelling on IL'2 Sturmovik the sim specs cover low system requirements. Rain, snow, thunder, clear sky, and haze effects were modelled for 24 hours. But it is a flight sim and LFS is a racing sim. That's why I can't imagine devs emphasize the real sky modelling. Of course I want the ideal, but I am realistic for now. And I think that Lynce's RP is a gift in this circumstances.